Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Hey people!
Do you happen to know of an audio-game similar to Aprone's Paw Prints???

To those who haven't played it, its a totally turn-based, "leading a group/team/party into safety" type strategy, where you give orders to your group-members every turn, trying to make them survive untill brought into safety, meaning reaching their final destination.

The game I search for must not obligatory have sheer survival as primary goal, it can be a fantasy-theme adventure game, like the HOMM series, (or like Wizardry 8, if anyone of you remembers it), sci-fi based like Ufo-Xcom, combat-based like the Jagged Alliance games, or even crime-planning like in Gangsters 1-2.

So the main genre, along with the final goal is irrelevant, as long there is a froup, team, or party for me to lead, to give commands to each its member each turn...since yeah, it sure has to be turn-based, and I mean truely turn-based, granting infinite time to plan your next move, meanind your actions, orders, options, settings, etc.

Ok, I know I am a bit of an old-fashioned gamer, and such totally turn-based strategies are getting obsolete, so I would even welcome similar games with movement-phase inreal time, BUT at least battles or encounters MUST be TRUELY turn based in it, no excuse, LOL!!!

Since the above described game genre and type was always my leading favorite one, I am eagerly and inpatiently waiting for your recommendations/suggestions!!!

from Hungary

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