Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

Oh dear, so now it all comes out.
Is it possible that someone is guilty or something.
Lets try this, so the dev got a licence file from someone that said various things were able to be used we know nsstudios at least maybe sam tupy etc did do includes not sure if mason did to but ok.
The licence file is quite loose, but whatever assume thats a valid licence file.
The dev takes it in good faith that the code he has is not stolen.
I mean someone gives him a site or some free code, it all looks lagit.
But it obviously aint.
Then 2 guys come on here hacking and ranting about stolen code.
Is it possible that you gave it or know the guilty party that got the code and gave it because if so I think everyone whould like someone to own up.
Giving misinformation is bad for business.
Its almost as bad as stealing the stuff in the first place.
So I the developer take this and then realise someone is jacking me around.
Not happy at all .
Assuming authors of code have come foreward and they havn't on here dev will probably  try to make sure.
Maybe he has maybe he hasn't we don't know that for sure.
And at any rate it doesn't matter.
It does put the 2 concerned in a not good spot.
I'll just say this, guys you know about more pieces than you are telling us.
So the code is stolen, I believe that much.
But someone says the dev of the game got a licence file, who wrote that file.
Do the authors know about that file.
I won't shout, but you guys know what is going on.
I suggest you own up and say the entire thing.
This dev may have unknown stolen code which he got a licence file to use that said that it is free to use if credited to the developers.
This would be really good if the manual is in english but it aint.
I just read the last section where the credits are, and no credits for the code but that doesn't mean that it is mentioned early on.
Even if it isn't, I said it to mods yesterday.
If this is stolen, so who gives a fuck.
May I remind you that mason burned out a lot.
Its true we users gave him a lot of support but enough is enough.
He isn't here to defend his fucking ass and I doubt he will.
He would have by now and so would everyone else that was mentioned in that file if they deemed it necessary.
This is assuming that file exists but lets go on the point it does just because we need a starting point and we have one shaky that it may be if we have much to go on and we have precious little.
Assuming that no contact was not made with the dev privately by those concerned with this file and assuming there has, maybe something was done, but maybe there wasn't.
I had some sounds, that were in shoot da me beta by rsgames.
True they had no licence.
Later on I found them in age of slaughter, sdm was never finnished, I played ao s and liked it.
These sounds are in a free sound pack of junk I got a while ago.
They were expressly for noncomercial  games and had some questionable files in them.
Even so, I didn't hack games and bitch like some dumb fuck though I had just cause to.
I let it live figuring at least the things were being used.
Later on I made more sounds, they were used again with out my permition, but once again I played the game they were used in, by now they were in the wild, what? am I suing everyone just for using my sfx now, its not that important.
As I said, mason made mtg, suddenly he burns out, mtg is recreated as mtg.
Mtg dies and up comes sound worx.
Down it goes up comes ultrocity.
Down it goes, up comes darkflier.
Down it goes.
Each time it goes down mason takes everything with him.
Eventually he realises that maybe he is not cut out for gaming as such and goes on his way.
Thats putting it simply as I can.
A lot of that stuff has not seen the time of day in my opinion.
2dp and crime hunter were damn good games if I can say damn here.
So were a few other mtg games like 2d adventure.
They will never see the light of day.
So what if this is a clone of up, its the best clone created.
Lets let up have its time of day.
None of mason's project lived for that long.
Every time he went so did his stuff.
At least the dev that made this cared enough to try again.
The only things needed to be made different is that the manual and some bits of the games like commands in the game and other things need to be made in english.
I have however made a decision.
This game has generated to much drama.
Reguardless of what it is or isn't I will no longer play it, or even read this thread anymore.
I overloaded in my post but didn't send it because for some stupid reason I don't want to flame out in a blaze of hellish glory but enough is enough.
You have proved your point this game is an ultrapower clone and I will delete it immediately.
Just remember though you have made a mess of the word clone, people will be scared to even use it, and the fact is, I guess all devs will have to make sure all code they get is actually theirs to get and the licence file be damned which is sad.
To the mods, I had half a mind to send my flamed responce but I didn't they are not worth it but still, while I was happy to let this live I have had enough and I am sure something else needs to be done.

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