Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

I love the game! It is  brilliant. If this was on steam and payed, I would  buy this for myself and for lots of my friends as well. I really do hope that after the game is done (at some point), It gets  on the steam platform. I see that there's a steam greenlight page for it, but apparently steam does not  put games on their platform  based on greenlight votes.

about the game, I really like the fact that it's semi randomly generated. It has a pretty nice structure to it. That is why I would like to play it over and over, Because I want to play it differently each time.  Games that are entirely based on procedural generation are boring for me, They do not have that sorta charm I expect from a game.
If you're looking for complex ideas to get them implemented, here  are mine:
1. A huge change to the combat system and  introducing  more units with different weapons (Like swordsmen, spearmen, archers, hoursemen, heavy cavalry).
Here's what I imagine the new system to be: When a battle starts, the two opposing armies get placed in a distance from each other. the distance stages would be like: Very far, far, medium range, short range, engaged. at each stage, you could order your army to do an action. actions like: firing arrows, preparing firy arrows or a special weapon, changing formations. (Formation as in which units go in first and which support or go after), performing an ability (Like doing a battlecry for a boost to troops' morale,  things like setting traps and spikes, or giving an order for your troops to rush faster to interupt the enemy's abilities or surprise them (with more casualties to your own side)
After the armies clash (engaged  stage), I think that the war should be  stopped every while and then, showing you the casualties (each unit type seperated) and you get to have to  do actions based on your location (w hether you're an attacker or defender). you could give the order to  attack more ferociously (Both armies could do), have a more defensive stance (Both sides could do), retreat (Offending side) and anything else that would make sense stat wise since everything is about numbers anyway.
I think that also would get boring since you'll have to  do a lot of battles in the game but i thought  having more choices in combat would make sense in a war simulator specially if you've got different unit types, It would be fun raining arrows upon your enemies soldiers and workers and getting smashed  by their fast moving cavalry smile. Maybe there should be an option to  have all of these things automatically done for you by a general (like how it is currently)

2. Fortification: Kingdoms should be able to build fortifications that would boost their defendi ng units. such as watch towers, walls, guardtowers, traps, and such. these would be destroiable as they get invaded.

3. An ability to create specialized kingdoms with custom behaviors.  I'd like to create empires  inspired by Persians and Greeks, focusing on  superior their archers and horsemen. or some viscious assassins  hidden in mountains with lots of defensive boosts to their kingdom land.

4. A more complex economy, where there are  trade routes. You could  focus each of your  lands on producing something (like wood or iron or  stone or  spears and swords and pikes  and such...) and find kingdoms that are in need of them, so you could sell them your products  with more price.

I hope my ideas  are great and you've found them inspiring for your game.
Keep up the good work <3

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