Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

@Defender, no worries, I found the bug and have fixed it, thank you for raising the point! also cheers for the subreddit mention

@firefly82, Haha I have my moments, just been so busy with work and my online selling lately that I've not gone out much haha, in regards to the sleep, wouldn't that be just another way to explain the time-travel cheat 331 which allows you to skip as many turns as you want? And yeah if anyone wanted to Add me on steam my steam profile is Huw2k8, I would be happy to chat to anyone one there smile

@hadi.gsf, thank you very much, I'm glad you like the game, I have been pushing for it to get on steam greenlight (even paid £70 fee) but no luck yet haha, your support means a lot though so thank you!

I agree, procedurally generation gone wild becomes too random, there definitely needs to be structure, my plan is to replace the more preset things with multiple variations, keeping things random but not completely random and having other things within being procedural, for example when I add magic to the game, each game it could choose from a pool of 10 different kinds of magic system, one could be that magic is harvested from blood, another that magic trees create it (wands and staffs) another that it is kept in ancient words ect, each game would define how magic worked and your world would react accordingly, so in a world where magic comes from blood, you'd have blood magic cults, some societies would openly accept it and some would declare it evil, but maybe in another game you have a system where magic is found in trees, so you have lots of a wands and staffs and perhaps a great giant tree, these wouldn't be randomly generated, but they would be randomly played making the game very random, I like the idea of this, like in the wastes when vials could be good or bad but it would change around each game so you could never get used to it.

The battle system is 100% going to be rewritten at some point, there are so so many things that can and need to be improved with it, I want people taken prisoner, different kinds of kills, sound effects for death, upranking soldiers who do well, different classes of units that fight in a somewhat rock paper scissors situation, special events in combat like a wild group of goblins charging in and fighting, multiple enemy combat ie 3 factions all fighting against eachother, commanders in battle, multiple battles being fought simulaneously, the king being able to fight in the battle, multiple battles being able to be had in one turn, ie the king sending off 20 armies to attack each major faction (if you can do it, why not, why should a massive empire spend an entire year skrimishing with a tiny little bandit faction) weapon advantages based on resources of the kingdom, fleeing soldiers, heroes being made in battle, mercenary companies helping you in battle, less organised deaths ie all your soldiers then all your peasants, instead it will be a a mix of all units in the battle, archers and seige weapons, ability to have long drawn out seiges, special tactical opportunities, enemies flee, ability for mid battle reinforcements from friendly factions... and so on.

Love the ideas though, the economy is another thing I plan to add but I don't want to waffle on for too long, I love the specialised kingdoms idea too, to be honest I'm disappointed with the independent kingdoms situation at the moment, I wanted them to all feel different but they don't, they feel quite samey, I'm looking for more ways to make each combination unique as possible, ie orcish kingdoms have orcish grunters ect.

Good ideas though, so thank you! smile

@Diegogaribay, hi, there is no way in game to lower the music volume but you should be able to do it on your pc

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