Re: I'm kind of concerned about the culture surrounding usability

Here is my basic marketing strategy right now:

- Trying to connect to UX types. I've already gotten a few to follow my twitter and the ones following aren't that bad as some of the... others. lol. They seem to like the "out of the box" thinking my game presents. So I try to respond to random UX tweets in my feed every day to try to suggest alternative ideas that "think outside the box".
- Trying to push the angle that this is the first audio game of its size that can be streamed on Twitch for the blind, with a connectivity . I want to encourage a blind streaming community outside of fighters and a few other titles. Actually, this was the main drive behind having the graphics mode but its great to be useful for others too. Streaming this way though will likely require a LOT of CPU since running both is somewhat CPU intensive . With a good computer though I think you should be fine (I'm stuck using this 3 year old laptop lol)
- Tryi ng to push to indie gamers that the game is about color, try to encourage people to get involved with the social themes (which are really just a set up for a much bigger story) and talking about the accessibility engine more in the context of their gaming experience - dark areas that can be navigated with sound.

I plan to try to work with some of the PR people in these chats but I have to really really improve the state of the game. It's not "bad" or anything but I need to really make it shine. I've got bascially until August/September.

One of the hardest things honestly is that the UX people and the Indie people are so different despite having a mutual interest in disabilities. However, most of my development is on visual stuff since that's what indie people like to see, so I try to keep the UX train going by constantly discussing with them instead. The audio engine itself is just an overlay anyways so it is just a single part of the development .

Also as previously stated it does NOT help that a lot of the UX people are super circle jerky with how awesome they think they are. There's so much fucking stupid. I see at least a few exceedingly dumb and embarrassing tweets every day.

I've currently been networking on discord servers and people are impressed, I've only been doing this for 2 months so I guess having 130 followers isn't bad.

Also, I'm trying to help out Out of Sight Games as well since they're doing a very similar thing; I haven't had anyone in these discord communities comment on it unfortunately but yeah. If my game somehow takes off I will definitely plug for you Joseph.

I really hope that both my game and Hero's Call is able to kind of challenge these ideas about UX a bit, since it seems like just a stagnation machine at the moment in most respects.

Also lol I just noticed - all the blind accounts are pretty chill but like 85% of the sighted /barely disabled UX community beats off so fucking hard to their morality loooooool. so many social justice posts that have fuck all to do with UX

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