Re: I'm kind of concerned about the culture surrounding usability

While I have issues with the NFB, the described incident is more or less the exact opposite of what I would expect from the typical NFB evangelist. I think maybe the NFB is not so homogeneous as one might think, what with having several thousand members all over the US.
I've heard the idea that maybe the wheelchairs-in-airports thing is for insurence purposes. You know, if a blind person is just capable enough to escape the obnoxious assisters but not enough to avoid causing an injury, resulting in the victim suing the airport instead of the blind person, because America.
Also I dismissed the "it'll be faster" argument when the guy who stood beside me yelling "left! right! left! straight!" the whole time also said "slow down!"  But in their defense, they had only seen me get off the plane when offering wheelchairs. In my defense, they'd just seen me get off the plane. (Dallas. It's always Dallas.)

The sqaueay wheel gets the grease, even though I feel like we need a more versatile metaphore so I can do something witty with it... sad

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