Re: developers and empty promises

I would like to point out here that Kevin and his partner do not "have" to give anyone anything. Yes, someone asked them to make their game accessible. Yes, they said they would. But just because someone says they'll do something does not mean that they'll do it when someone else expects them to. So, before a particular someone on this topic continues to push this issue, I would like that someone to remember that none of us who want this implemented are entitled to anything. All we've done is asked for it to be implemented. They said, "Yes, we'll do that." Does that mean that we can scream and rage at them when they don't get accessibility implemented on a specific deadline that we expected? Hell no! We are not gods. No one is a god who can just snap they're fingers and make something happen exactly as someone else wants. No one is perfect. No one can make something absolutely perfectly the first time. So don't go acting all a rrogant and entitled towards Kevin and his partner and demand that 'your' needs be met when you obviously don't pay as much attention as you should to update emails. As many have pointed out on this topic, backing a project like this is a risk. Entrusting your money into anything is a risk. Purchasing a simple item at the local grocery store is a risk, albeit a very small one. So don't act all arrogant and rude when something you think will happen does not. If we all were developers -- and I mean 'if every single person in the world was a developer' -- then we wouldn't have this problem. But alas, not all of us are. So just remember that just because a developer says they'll develop something by a specific date does not mean that that is always possible. There are other forces far more powerful than any of us can even begin to imagine at work here, and we have no control of them. Those forces are called 'outside events', 'outsid e influences', etc. If I begin writing an awesome system management framework and estimate that it will be released by 25 August of 2018, and it isn't, you can't just automatically assume that it's my fault, because, really, you don't know if it truly is. It might be -- I might have gotten lazy and forgotten all about it. Or, alternatively, it could be a family death or emergency or something else equally as distracting. So if you want to act all arrogant and think that you can just waltz in and get your way with other developers, the most likely thing they're going to do is tell you to 'get out', in far more disrespectful terms. The other alternative most likely thing is they'll ignore you and not even read your message. Developers don't like to be overly-rushed. They don't like to be poked and prodded to do something by a particular date or time, especially if the project is developed by one to five people. However, if the pro ject is manned by hundreds, if not thousands, of developers, then outrage is certainly understandable. But this particular project is not, so get rid of the entitlement you've got. Keep that up and the developers might just "accidentally" forget about your initial request and remove accessibility support entirely because they don't want to deal with you, and, in that case, your only option then would be to shut up and move on.

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