Re: Madden Accessibility Update

Here's a compilation of all the sections I've written so far. It's everything I've already posted plus playing online with friends and how to handle the 7 columns in the play now menu. Only the second play now menu column uses all user preferences.

Cue wall of text. Search for the word section to jump between sections.

This guide is for Madden NFL 18. It is designed for both Xbox One  and Playstation 4 use. All button presses are given as Xbox / Playstation in format.

Table of Contents
Assume hyperlinks to sections go here. I don’t think the forum supports anchors.

General FAQ
What is the view and menu button on the Xbox controllers?
•    The view button is select and the menu button is start on classic controllers. For those with vision, the view button looks like two overlapping boxes, and the menu buttons has three lines.

Section First login

The following provides instructions for those who are logging in to Madden NFL 18 for the first time.
•    Create an origin account, if you don’t already have one, through the following website
•    To avoid security reminder pop-ups in game, turn on origin login verification
•    Launch Madden NFL 18 with your console method of choice.
•    When the game starts it’s playing a splash video, showing off various areas of the game. Press  A/X to continue. The next pop-up displays the user agreement. Press A/X to accept and continue. Madden’s user agreement can be found here:
•    If you have not used origin in a game before, you will be prompted to enter your email, press A/X, then enter text using the standard console text input dialog Press A/X to submit email.
•    Next dialog continue to password entry, which will appear even if you did not need to enter your email. Enter text using the standard console text input dialog. Press A/X to submit password.
•    Next dialog is a live content update for madden 18. Press A/X to accept the update. Time required varies, but it’s usually done within 10 seconds.
•    After entering your origin information, you will be prompted for sharing options. There are 2 checkboxes, the first is share account info with NHL, the second is share social field. By default, sharing social feed with madden friends is turned on. Selecting the first checkbox gives you bonus madden ultimate team cards. Press A/X to select, push down twice, press A/X to continue.
•    You will then be prompted to update roster. Press A/X to accept update.
•    You will hear an audio prompt to pick your favorite team. If you have played a previous version of Madden NFL, your past favorite team will be your default, otherwise it will be the patriots. The list wraps between the following. It's possible to change favorite teams later, so don't be too concerned what you pick. Bears, Bengals, Bills, Broncos, Browns, Buccaneers, Cardinals, Chargers, Chiefs, Colts, Cowboys, Dolphins, Eagles, Falcons, 49ers, Giants, Jaguars, Jets, Lions, Packers, Panthers, Patriots, Raiders, Rams, Ravens, Redskins, Saints, Seahawks, Steelers, Texans, Titans, Vikings
•    After picking your favorite team by pressing A/X, You'll hear an audio description on selecting your playstyle. The 3 are arcade, simulation, and competitive. Arcade is a great place to start, so select by pressing A/X.
•    Next up is a list of difficulties, beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. For now, stay on beginner and select by pressing A/X.
•    You'll next be listening to a video that describes what new features and modes in madden nfl 18. When you hear "enjoy Madden NFL 18" (or only hear background music) press A/X
•    You are now set up to play Madden NFL 18, and are on the main menu.

Section Main menu overview:

The main menu is broken up into columns. They are in the following order from left to right and can be navigated with the dpad. Vertically split columns can be navigated using up and down. The first column is dynamic and is based on what you previous did in the game. Top is usually continue, bottom is usually an advertisement for madden ultimate team (MUT). I'm not sure what it is first login, as my xbox didn't screen capture properly. I'll update this post when I get into work - I'm writing most of the retail part at home.
Here's the menu layout, left to right
•    Dynamic based on past content, often split into 2, with top being previous game mode and bottom being an advertisement
•    Ultimate team
•    Longshot
•    Split into 2, franchise, then skills trainer
•    Split into 3, Play now, then online head to head, then open practice
•    Split into 2, Download community files, then download latest rosters
•    Customize, which if selected opens a menu of a series of options. Useful options will be given documented scenarios.
•    If you back out of any mode, you will be at that mode's location on the main menu. To get back to origin from any point of the main menu, press left on the dpad 6 times, or until you feel rumbles. Then press up once.

All section directions from the main menu assume the upper left corner of the menu as a starting point.
Section Turning on Vision Assists
Visual Assists provide additional rumbles that will assist with game play. It also enlarges icons on the field and pins a large kick meter to the screen.
From the Main Menu:
•    Hold down right on dpad until you feel repeated rumbles.
•    Press A/X to enter the customize Menu.
•    Press down on the dpad twice to get to settings.
•    Press A/X to go to Settings.
•    Press A/X again to go to setting adjustments.
•    Press down 4 times to select Visual Feedback.
•    Press A/X to open Visual Feedback.
•    Press left on the dpad until you feel repeated rumbles.
•    Press up 3 times to go to Vision Assists.
•    Press right on the dpad to turn on vision assists, which includes optional accessibility rumbles.
•    Settings save automatically
•    Tap the B/Circle for a couple of seconds to get back to the main menu.

Section Volume Control
The following describes how to get to volume control settings and describes settings.
From the Main Menu:
•    Hold down right on dpad until you feel repeated rumbles.
•    Press A/X to enter the customize Menu.
•    Press down on the dpad twice to get to settings.
•    Press A/X to go to Settings.
•    Press A/X again to go to setting adjustments.
•    Press down 5 times to select Volume Control
All settings can be changed using left and right on the dpad. All settings can be navigated between using up and down on the dpad. Settings save automatically. Tap the B/Circle for a couple of seconds to get back to the main menu. All directions from the main menu assume the top left corner as a starting point.
The settings are in the following order:
•    Master Volume
•    Audio Mix
•    In-Game Commentary
•    Stadium Speakers
•    Crowd Volume
•    On the Field
•    Menu Music
•    Menu SFX (Sound Effects)
All settings are sliders except Audio Mix. All sliders move between 0 and 100 and you will feel rumbles if you try to slide past that range.
Audio Mix has the following options:
•    Broadcast, which makes all sliders 100%.
•    Field, which mutes in game commentary and reduces stadium speakers and crowd volume.
•    Custom – allows setting slides to any value. Changing a slider automatically switches audio mix to custom.

Section Update Favorite Team:
The following describes how to change your favorite team
From the Main Menu:
•    Hold down right on dpad until you feel repeated rumbles.
•    Press A/X to enter the customize Menu.
•    Press down on the dpad twice to get to settings.
•    Press A/X to go to Settings.
•    Press A/X again to go to setting adjustments.
•    Press A/X again to go to game options.
•    Press left or right on the dpad to select a team. The default is your previously selected favorite. The wrapping order is: Bears, Bengals, Bills, Broncos, Browns, Buccaneers, Cardinals, Chargers, Chiefs, Colts, Cowboys, Dolphins, Eagles, Falcons, 49ers, Giants, Jaguars, Jets, Lions, Packers, Panthers, Patriots, Raiders, Rams, Ravens, Redskins, Saints, Seahawks, Steelers, Texans, Titans, Vikings
•    Tap the B/Circle for a couple of seconds to get back to the main menu.

Section Team Selection Guide:
This section is referred to in the Play Now and Online Head to Head sections. It describes how to customize the game using the team select screen. Other guide sections cover how to get to this screen.
To do: write useful details of this section. While waiting for this section to be completed, press A/X twice to load into the game using your favorite team and default difficulty settings. I’ll update this soon with details.

Section Play Now:
This describes how to immediately jump into a game using the play now mode. Note, those familiar with previous versions of Madden NFL will find that Custom Games match previous version’s Play Now feature.
From the main menu
•    Press right on the dpad 4 times, then press A/X to go to play now.
•    When logged in online, the play now menu is broken into columns, the first is favorite game, the second is custom game, and the next 5 are rotating featured games. When offline, the main menu’s play now takes you directly to custom games.
•    Favorite game and featured games are against two pre-selected teams. When pressing A/X on these modes, a dialog is opened to pick one one of two teams. When your favorite team is available, it’s selected from the top. There are no team options for these games, they are all built into the challenge.
•    Custom games allow any team combination, plus option customization, including difficulty. When on play now, press right on the dpad once then A/X to get into a custom play now game.  See the team selection guide for instructions on how to set up the game.

Section Online Head-to-Head:
The following section covers how to reach online head to head mode and play with friends.

From the main menu:
•    Press right on the dpad 3 times, then down once. Press A/X to open online head to head.
•    There are two rows of buttons, the top row is quick match, then top 100 leaderboard. The bottom row is play a friend, view team depth chart, and customize. When attempting to move past the edge of a row, the controller will rumble.
•    Each time you play, update your roster to ensure you don’t get a pop-up when launching a game. Press down on the dpad once, then press right twice. Press A/X to open customize
•    The customize menu only has 2 options, update rosters, and online settings.  Press A/X to enter update roster.
•    Press up on the dpad and A/X to confirm roster update. If there is no update, this sequence will still behave appropriately, so it is safe to always do this.
•    Press B/Circle to back out to the head to head menu. Press left on the dpad 3 times and up once to return to origin on this menu, which is from where all instructions will be written.

To start a quick match from the online head to head menu:
•    Press A/X to enter quick play mode
•    You may be prompted for a roster  update. Press up on the dpad and A/X to continue
•    You will be prompted to select a team. The team you selected when logging in the first time is the default. The teams are in the same order on this menu as they are when first logging in, and it wraps.
•    For reference, the order is Bears, Bengals, Bills, Broncos, Browns, Buccaneers, Cardinals, Chargers, Chiefs, Colts, Cowboys, Dolphins, Eagles, Falcons, 49ers, Giants, Jaguars, Jets, Lions, Packers, Panthers, Patriots, Raiders, Rams, Ravens, Redskins, Saints, Seahawks, Steelers, Texans, Titans, Vikings
•    Press A/X to select team
•    You will automatically begin searching for an opponent. See the team selection guide for instructions on how to set up the game.

To start playing a friend from the online head to head menu:
•    Press down on the dpad, then A/X
•    Selecting a friend is tricky and not really accessible. The work around is to invite a random person, then use the console to invite the person you want to play with.
•    The screen prompts you to select a friend. Press A/X to select any friend, then press menu/options. This opens the create game menu.

Create game menu wraps from top to bottom and always starts at the top when it is entered.
The following game options are provided.
•    Gametype – the option is picked, but cannot be changed. It is always unranked.
•    Fatigue – dpad left for on, dpad left for off
•    Injuries - dpad left for on, dpad left for off
•    Quarter length – 6 minutes is default,  wraps between 1 and 15 minutes
•    Game skill – defaults to all-pro. Wraps between rookie, pro, all-pro, and all-madden, listed in the order of difficulty
•    Gamespeed – defaults to normal, wraps between slow, normal, and fast
•    Accelerated clock – runs down the playclock to selected value. Default is 20 seconds. Wraps between 10 seconds and 30 seconds in increments of 5. 30 seconds is represented by the word off.
•    Weather – allows for the selection of weather in game settings, dpad left for on, dpad left for off
All create game settings are optional, pressing A/X at any time will move you to the team select screen.
When on the team selection guide, you can use the console menus to find and send a game request to the person you really want to play with. This works best when live chatting with your friend, for communication purposes.
Other than the inviting friend caveat, the team selection screen is the same as any other mode. See the team selection guide for instructions on this menu.

Section franchise:
I still need to write this section.

Section longshot:

Describes how to get started with longshot story mode.
From the main menu:
•    Press right on the dpad twice, then A/X to enter longshot’s menu
•    If you haven’t played longshot before, you will be automatically defaulted to new game, press A/X to create a new game, then press A/X again to save to slot 1
•    If you have played longshot before, you will default to continue a game, press A/X to continue game, and press A/X to start slot one
In general, longshot story mode has sections of quick time type events, text decisions, and gameplay. The quick time events are all skippable, see the section on longshot events for details. All dialog options will advance the game, and generally hitting left or right on the dpad will select the two options. Very rarely there is a third option, which can be selected by pressing down. Selections will be made automatically after a couple of sections, if nothing is highlighted. If the dpad is never pressed, then all left options will be used.

longshot events:
All of the events other than gameplay will give the option to infinitely try again or fail forward after 3 to 6 tries. When the game is totally silent, there is a dialog where the first option is try again, and the second option is skip. Try again is default. This is all the sequences to get to one of several endings.

Front-yard with Cutter:
•    Quick Time Event 1: X/Square - "Snap" the ball
•    Quick Time Event 2: A/Cross - Throw the ball (Leads to Steer the Ball  moment)
•    Steer the Ball : LS - Guide the ball into Colt’s hands using left stick

The Combine:
•    Quick Time Event 1: LS+Left - Move Devin Left in Pocket
•    Quick Time Event 2: LS+Down - Move Devin Back in Pocket
•    Quick Time Event 3: LS+Right - Move Devin Right in Pocket
•    Perfect Throw 1: LT/L2+Move Cursor to Receiver+X/Square - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 2: LT/L2+Move Cursor to Receiver+Y/Triangle - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 3: LT/L2+Move Cursor to Receiver+X/Square - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 4: LT/L2+Move Cursor to Receiver+A/Cross - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 5 (To Colt): LT/L2+Move Cursor to Receiver+Y/Triangle - Pass the ball deep to Colt
•    Quick Time Event 4: X/Square - Throw the ball (Leads to Steer the Ball  moment)
•    Steer the Ball : LS - Guide the ball into receiver’s hands

Freshman HS Flashback Game:
•    Madden Gameplay: A/Cross - Snaps the ball, begins play
•    Quick Time Event 1: A/Cross - Snap the ball
•    Quick Time Event 2: LS+Left - Evade the blitz
•    Quick Time Event 3: LB/L1+Y/Triangle - Throw the deep pass to Colt

Intro to Longshot:
•    Quick Time Event 1: RS+Up - Have Devin step forward

Spinning Contraption Throwing Game:
•    A/Cross+LS+RS to move the cursor - Throw the ball at the targets

Initial Longshot Gameplay (Classroom):
•    B/Circle - Selects Safety
•    X/Square - Selects Hot Receiver
•    X/Square - Selects 22

Initial Longshot Gameplay (Field Test):
•    Perfect Throw 1: LT/L2+LS+A/Cross - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 2: LT/L2+LS+A/Cross - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 3: LT/L2+LS+B/Circle - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 4: LT/L2+LS+X/Square - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 5: LT/L2+LS+Y/Triangle - Pass the ball to the receiver

Training Part 1 (Classroom):
•    B/Circle - Select Singleback
•    X/Square - Select the Safety

Training Part 4 (Field Test):
•    Perfect Throw 1: LT/L2+LS+X/Square - Pass the ball to the Colt
•    Perfect Throw 2: LT/L2+LS+X/Square - Pass the ball to the receiver
•    Perfect Throw 3: LT/L2+LS+X/Square - Pass the ball to the Colt

Mathis High School Flashback:
•    Quick Time Event 1: A/Cross - Hike the ball
•    Quick Time Event 2: LS+Left - Evade the blitz
•    Quick Time Event 3: LS+Left+B/Circle - Spin past the LB
•    Quick Time Event 4: A/Cross - Stiff arm the defender
•    Quick Time Event 5: X/Square - Pass to Colt (Leads to Steer The Ball)
•    Steer The Ball: LS - Control ball flight to Colt
•    Madden Gameplay: A/Cross - Snap the ball to begin play
•    Y/Triangle - Step in front of pass
•    LS+Left+RT/R2 - Speed past tackler

Marino LS 7-on-7 Game:
•    Quick Time Event 1: A/Cross - Throw to the endzone (Leads to Steer The Ball)
•    Steer The Ball: LS - Pass the ball into the endzone

Military Throwing Game
•    LS+A/Cross - Throw the ball at the targets

Military 7-on-7 Game:
•    Madden Gameplay: A/Cross - Hike the ball and start play

Longshot TV Show Finale
•    Madden Gameplay: A/Cross - Hike the ball and start play
•    Perfect Throw 1: LT/L2+LS+X/Square - Pass the ball to the sideline
•    Quick Time Event 1: X/Square - Throw Checkdown to Forsett

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