Re: bk3, a few questions on weapons

so! finally got the magic ball

I have my stats as follows:
All status
HP: 43660/43660 (100.00% remaining)
Stamina: 17236/17236 (100.00% remaining)
Shield: Not equipped
Level: 1901. experience: 6844955919 (0 required for the next level)
Assignable points: 0
Attack: 47118
Defence: 46774
Tech: 8491
Stamina: 17236
Location: 0 0
Playing mode: Extreme

also, i have the item master and item helper stored in the warehouse. You will see why in a moment.

now, what did I do
I remember:
1. Set magical edge to weapon 1, aero gear to weapon 2
2. When the level started, I just quickly ran towards the blasted thing using the aero gear and then switched to the magical edge and started firing at it. it would reduce like 5 percent for each hit
3. I heard it was about to start throwing the fireballs at me, so I immediately jumped and switched to the aero gear, and ran to the right, fast. NO fireball touched me.
4. I then switched to the magical edge, fast. And pressed r to reflect, or deflect the thunder. Not reflecting it would cause me about 28000 damage without a defence drink. The magic ball drops a piece of magic a square in front or probably just the same square where you are standing. If you have the item master, then tough luck because it will get automatically picked up. And then
5. The ice cube. You can deflect that one as well without any problems. Not sure how much damage it could cause at this time because it never touched me.
6. Now, If you have picked up the piece of magic, its a bad idea. Because the next attack is the dark projectile. That does a whole lot of damage, about 3 million without a defence drink and you will die for sure, plus it cannot be deflected, period. So either drop it fast or restart the level. Anyway, the magic ball threw it at me, hitting the piece of magic, and destroying it but it never hit me. SO I ran fast towards the ball again, because the next one is a light attack (or probably fire) so you have a bit of time to keep wacking the magic ball. Since my attack was still a bit inefficient I decided to take a power drink, they increase the attack by 1.5 I think for 30 seconds.
7. Good. great! I managed to get it to about 20%. At this time, it went into shadow mode. meaning there was no way to attack it but also it did not attack me, and three beeping things at height 40 appeared, one at the far right, another one at the center, another one at far left of field, called litographs I think. I could hook directly onto them and press enter of them .. to I guess, disable them?
Oh yes.. and I immediately dropped fromt he magic hook because the magic ball was following my height and I was scared it could attack me at any time. That caused me I think one damage, falling down each time.
8. I was able to hit it once or twice before the fire started again
9. Did the same . aero gear all the way right. Then deflected waiting for the thunder. It came and dropped a piece of magic again as soon as thunder was deflected.
10. Now, for the most awkward bit! the ice cube was deflected too, and then... booom! I heard this loud explossion because I was a bit nervous and tried to fire the aero gear to move way way out of the range to the left.. but too late. The piece of magic was still there, but since I had just about 5 squares to the right end of the field I was sort of trapped. The magic ball fired that darned projectile, and it happened to be very very close to the piece of magic (it was probably indeed on same square) And so, was I. I should have died at that point because the thing caused the piece of magic 40 million damage, hte ball also took 40 million damage and I did too! but surprise surpise I had a recovery ring. And so after being really scared off my pants and being put very far form where I was thanks to the aero gear...  I just saw the magic ball, lying there on ground, defeated. SO it was time to pick it up. So it was more, pure luck than anything else but I was so, so very close to have done it by myself and could have earned like 3000 levels.

anyway, that was my story with it. And now I have it though it is actually not that very great. but its really fun nevertheless to have collected and being able to use a thousand tools and ways of killing things.

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