Re: Describing pictures for blind people

Blackbird, this may be a terrible example, but I'll post it anyway.  Keep in mind that I am fully sighted so my opinion actually means nothing, hahaha.  big_smile

If you are a Star trek fan, then you've seen countless episodes where they will discuss engineering problems they are facing.  Warp coils need to be realigned, polarity is reversed in ion fields, and all sorts of that sort of thing.  You have no real life experience to relate this to, but you accept that in the "rules of Star trek" these things make sense and fit with the situations they show up in.  As time goes on you become familiar with the sorts of things they say in different situations.  I wish I knew enough about Star trek to give some better examples.

While people who are blind since birth have never experienced sight, they have grown up their entire lives hearing the phrases and associating them with real life situations.  If we can start to figure out the "rules" to a TV show we've seen a few hundred episodes of, then imagine if it were your entire life for the past 18-30 years.  So as a result, even if someone has never experienced sight for themselves, they have a large enough history of examples to understand how to interpret the descriptions.  There will always be exceptions, and always be some words and phrases that they don't know exactly how to interpret, but the same is true for sighted people.  Have you ever picked up a cheesy romance novel, as an example?  "The sun was blaring upon him like the footsteps of rose pedals marching forth in the despair of a full moon."  WTF?!
You basically just roll with it when something crazy gets thrown out there, and you use the rest of the writing to give it context.  Avoiding those confusing lines seems lik e a good idea, except running in to those better prepares us for the next time we encounter something similar.  At some point just about everything we read was vague and we didn't know quite how to interpret it.  That's all part of the process.

Once again, this is the opinion of someone fully sighted, so take it with a grain of salt.


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