Flexible survival mud


Well obviously anyone who's been around the forum will have heard about this game a little, but I thought as we'd not had a topic in new releases and it's a game i just tried, it'd  be a good chance  discuss the mud and describe some fairly unique things about it, indeed I know we have at least a couple of members who are familiar with the mud so if they want to chime in that would be great.

Firstly, as stated here on the db page The theme of the mud is definitely adult in nature. As with the single player rpg, it's set in a world where a nannite virus called promethius has gone wild and transformed people  into a hoard of sex crazed mutants, all trying to spread the infection as swiftly as possible.

As in the single player game therefore there are some fairly lurid descriptions of bizarre activities with npcs and monsters, sometimes during or after combat and the mutations you get, so anyone under age or who is made uncomfortable by that sort of thing probably should give this a miss.

On the other hand, the game is very unique, and there were rather fewer extreme messages etc than in the single player game (getting defeated in combat didn't seem quite as drastic for example), and so long as you can take matters with a pinch or two of salt then it should be okay, certainly I can say the community are very helpful and not the least bit dodgy.

Now onto the game itself.

firstly, the game is sort of unique in being partly a mud, partly a web based game. The web interface has a lot of information, but is fairly easy to navigate if your used to webpages, and all the buttons, text etc is fairly standard, though I would suggest you make sure your screen reader can cope  notification dialogues (I'm glad I have Nvda 17.4 for this).

the web interface is used to do various things, including training your character's various abilities, buying items (including the games' premium currency Mako if you wish), and getting bonuses, but can also be used for some gameplay aspects such as having automatic battles and missions and getting free gifts.

Some of these functions are available in the mud too, but not all of them, though anyone used  web navigation should be fine with the web interface.

The mud itself is pretty unique as muds go.
Firstly it is probably the only mud I've ever seen  actual turn based, round by round combat,  quite unique and interesting combat at that. You get powers to us based on what infections you havee, each of which has a cool down timer, and so have to  what you do each round almost like playing a ccg. What complicates this is that unless you  the right perk  can have a chance of being mutated in combat, and depending upon how you get mutated, your powers will change.
You need to spend xp to master powers you want to keep.
The combat is very strategical and I'm only just getting into it myself, especially with the amount of things you can customise about your character.

Outside of combat, there is lots of item crafting, (pretty much all items in game need to be built), and even jobs which you can do with your none combat skills which are gamebook style choice based missions.

There are quests, daily missions for rewards, and quite a lot more, indeeed the game is definitely one for people who like it complex.

I'd recommend when you create a character typing editplayer (note the lack of a space, this is one mud where you need to be careful with commands even down to punctuation), so that you can use the text map.

I would also recommend making sure you don't level up too fast, as there is a lot to spend xp on in the beginning and it can get tougher at higher levels if you don't have abilities and skills setup, in particular make sure you have powers mastered and a good loadout.

There are is also a major roleplaying element to this mud for those who are interested in such  including character generation and perks to enhance roleplay. Given the nature of the setting some of this rp can be erotic, but the game is very  on how to set your interests in such things, and people won't bug or stalk you or anything like that, it's there for those who want it but not for those who don't.

If all of this has got your interest you  can create an online account with [url="" link[/url] (and yes it's my referral link but hay), and when your ready to start the  portion of the game you can do that on flexiblesurvival.com port 2000.

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