Re: Flexible survival mud

Okay to discuss combat as Arnold mentioned Here in the crafting muds topic I'll try and explain how Flexible survival's combat works, since on the one hand there is a lot of information, on the other hand not much is necessary.

First, you must! set your flag as screen reader and make sure verbose combat is off.

Now, the main thing to remember about combat in flexible survival is that it is essentially like a turn based card game, not like your usual  style combat where something happens every round and you need to attakc fast.
When you fight something, first round you get a turn and you'll have your enemies names displayed,  1 husky girl, 2 skunk beast.

You can look at them with look 1 and look 2 and target them, but nothing will happen until you use one of your powers.

After this the game will count 100 ticks in which the enemies will take turns using their powers until you all have done your thing and give a report on what has happened, who has done what damage etc.

This report contains at the start information about damage, then a line about resists, debuffs etc, then at the bottom it'll say "character name's turn" and list all your powers, including those with cool down timers.
After this, when it is your turn, everything stops until you decide what to do next, indeed you can use commands like help, chat to people, even check your inventory etc and keep the game sitting there, since nothing else will happen until your ready.

So what I do is treat combat as I would in  a browser and simply up and down arrow through the output window in Vip and read the bits I'm interested in, eg what damage has been done and how, then see what powers I can use and take my turn.

Alternatively, I can just use auto combat, and then i pretty much just ignore the game until combat is finished.

Now whether there would be a way to just shorten the game display to what damage has been done and leave the examination of powers and resists out I'm not sure, though that might be a suggestion to make, since as I said the community seem very friendly.

Btw,  my character is Darkempathy on there if anyone wants to say hi.

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