Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

what do you mean about that things which you told?
i am not need that thing which you said.
but there is noone who loves his teacher more than a motherly figure? not only respect the teacher, but love.
for example reviva: on the last days i thinking about her from the morning to the night. 2 times i've dreamed about her, but when i didn't feld that thing.
she also haves a smell, and when i smelling it, i can identefy her, or notice that she somewhere here.
she (as my friends saing) jumping at the middle of the lesen. she doesn't siting, but walking and walking and teaching at the same time.
and sometimes she jumps.
what do you mean by multipal people?
there was also one period when i loved a boy. but now not. 3 years ago it was.
and about reviva: also because i loving her, i did in the music folder in the computer a folder with her voice recordings. i have recorded all history lesens without her knowing. muhahaha hahahaha!
and what do you think about trying to do a "missionery" work, to make reviva beleev in jesus?
the thing i also forgot to tell you is that she at least 50 years old, and i only 15. on the last year i asked her how old she is, but she one of the women who doesn't saying that.
that 2 dreams about reviva there are:
on december 07, 2012 i dreamed the first dream about reviva. i stood near her and touched her. and then she said: "jacob (my real name), leave me alown. i've tired.)
the second dream was on august 22, 2013. i've dreamed that we are in some car, and then reviva started to hugg my and said: "you are cute! i love you! oh! you are cute..." then, we were in my room. reviva wanted to start to teach me history, but when saw that i am doing something on the computer she said that she now will come back and went away. and the dream is over.
and that she at least 50 years old i know because i've touch ed her hand and her skin was a skin of old woman. because of that i can know that. but strange, she doesn't have grand children, but only 1 child which in grade 3.
he not her grand child, but her son.
but i want to know, if there was facts that someone loves his teacher in that level of loving how i am. or i'm only one who feeling that?
here, i uploading now an archive of her voice recordings.
if you want to download and listen, please do that.
if not, no problem.
and final 2 things which anoying me in reviva.
1. the name of jesus. in hebrew, there 2 names of jesus i can say. the first name is the name which only the jews and that who not beleev in jesus gived to him that name: yeshu. and we, the messianic jews who beleeving in jesus using his real name: yeshua. the first name is a bad name. because it means a bad words which wanted to say that the jews want to forget his name and all about him. and yeshua is an israely name. you can find the rizen why his name was jesus in the gosple of mathew chapter 1.
and this anoying, that reviva using the first name "yeshu" also when she reading from the new testament. but she can see the "yeshua" name and not the first one. that is anoying.
2. i like to turn around. when i am on the short brake, i turning around in the classroom and geting fun of that. when reviva seeing me doing that, she saying: "jacob, don't turn around. you looking funny when you doing that." but i like to move. i don't like stand. or i'm walking, or turning around. stand for 2 minutes, and feeling that my body and the legs got tired of stand on one place. so what i'm doing is turn around. it is also anoying, when she saying to me to not turn around. in my home i also doing that, because i have a turning chair.
maybe you know what to do so that my body will not get tired of standing?
also when i in some shop at the mall with the parrents, i asking to sit.
this is all that i can say about reviva. i want to know, i someone also feels that he loves his teacher like me. that 2 things are anoying, but you see how strong i love reviva. but, i love the lord my god stronger then her in 1000000 times. i trying to pray everyday and etc. i can't go to the congregation, because my father is a jew and doesn't let me and my mother to go there. but before i knew him, i went to there. i love reviva, and hate my father.
the final thing is tha i want to say to my father that i beleeving in jesus, but i must find a moment. also if i visiting some christian or messianc websites, he taking the router, or disconecting the internet.
please who is a messianic jew, or an evangelical christian, pray for him so that the lord will do something so that i can go to the congregation.


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