Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

Well "love" is such a slippery word anyway, and so long as it'snot in a dodgy sense, since that is something that could go very wrong if the teacher takes advantage of a student (and yes, women teachers have been tguilty of this in the past).

"love" as friend or confidant or similar however is indeed no problem.    You might say that I "love" my tutor, who has seen me through a degree, masters and doctorate, we have spent lots of time together including meeting up for drinks and lunch outside tutorials, indeed we've had discussions recently because he's had a detached retina, and he wanted to know about  magnifyers etc, but if I would use the word "love" this would be more the sense that a person can love a wise and kindly uncle who you have a huge respect for.

I've had similar thoughts for teachers in the past and at school, though it's always been in that sort of surragate parent relation ship, not as Kile said the way I would "love" a girl.   Indeed, there's no reason not to have friends who are older, one person I know I met playing nation states and we've stayed in contact ever since (even having conversations by phone), is a  lady in her fifties.

Bare in mind though, the opposite  can also be true. I've  had teachers who were completely vile and unpleasant  and who I absolutely disliked, some I'd even say I hated. Ironically most were at my specialist school, (although  not everyone there by any means), but I've run into the odd unpleasant teacher right up to university level, indeed one  lecturer I once had  was a boarderline psychopath, (well she had the psychotic personality at least).


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