Re: Christianity or Islam

Sadly Isis claims to be Islamic and that does overshadow so many good things in Islam. I had a ton of Moslem friends growing up and they were among the nicest people you could ever meet and still are some of the best men and women I have ever known, also sadly my best experience in a house of worship was in one of the local Mosques even when I was a Christian as I literally was pushed out of every Christian church in town. I came into some money and then when I missed a sermon when I was still a Christian because I was recovering from surgery and couldn't walk much without bleeding all over the place, the pastor called and asked my Mom "Are you too busy counting your son's money?"

I have had similar expriences with other churches in my town. That hasn't turned me off to Christianity just shows how Christians can vary from Christianity just as those Isis monsters are not actually anywhere in the realm of Islam other than hijacking what it is about.

Also, even in the modern day, there are more
than enough horrible groups in other religions to destroy their reputation if we made the same analogies we make between Isis and Islam in the media. The Pacific northwest, particularly Idaho and Montana are the HQs of some nasty neo-Nazi groups that take a lot of religious fundamentalist stuff into their beliefs and they are hardly representative of Christianity.

There are similar Jewish groups acting out of Israel that are nothing like what Judaism really is supposed to be, and there are splinter groups of Christians and Hindus in China and India that are disgraces to the religions they profess and are nothing like in truth.

I heard a great quote that I think all people professing religion need to keep in mind.

"You know you've built god in your own image when he hates everyone you do."

I don't believe god can hate anyone or anything, except maybe the act of wrongdoing, as hate is a weakness, which an all-powerful God could not logically have.

Also, there are actually over 70 kinds of Islam and it is as diverse as Christianity in its outlook for those looking above. It is true there are primarily Sunni and Shii faiths, but there's a lot of wiggle room in there.

Anyway, I have been critical of both religions in my posts but I honestly think religion most of the time makes people better in the long run, and I include both Islam and Christianity in there, as well as most others.

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