Re: Do the sighted have a good representation and perception of us?

@26: thanks smile

The Jihova's Witnesses that show up hereabouts only ever acknowledged my blindness in asking if I had a means of reading the Watchtower magazines they give out. They also might have cited Genesis 1:27-28 as defining the Meaning of Life, but interpreted it to mean "make the Earth like Eden" rather than "world domination and maximize population". This seems like a stretch, given that those verses say "go forth and multiply, fill the Earth and subdue it", but why complain about a not-so-megalomaniacal interpretation of "fill the Earth and subdue it"? Who wouldn't want to convert the world into a lush, nudist Paradise with free fruit? Watch out four snakes, though. Those things are sneaky little devils.
Now trying to imagine an episode of Jonny Bravo in which he somehow winds up in Eden, and the snake occasionally pops up to make some unsubtle temptation for the lulz, then Lilith shows up and tries to use Jonny to make Adam jealous, only for Jonny to get dropped in the sea by angels, Lilith to get lured away by the snake, and the episode ends with Adam meeting Eve, and the snake slithering up to talk about fruit...
I feel like the tone of this post comes across more facetious than intended. sad I can ponder Jonny Bravo / Genesis crossovers without expressing opinions on either, right? hmm sad

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