Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

@pitermach: The disgrace is accepting solutions from steam that do not support developers who want to help us. As things stand, a developer with a mac or linux game on steam cannot make it accessible, because the only OCR plugin runs on windows, and WebVisum to get through the account CAPTCHA is on Windows.  We have hundreds of mainstream IOS games that are fully accessible, and to be honest, I own something like 50 or 60 of them.  That's because Apple stepped up to the plate and gave IOS and OS X programmers the tools they needed to help them help us.  I also own an android Nexus7 with multiple mainstream accessible games. Once again, Google stepped up and gave Google developers help and tools in fixing their games.  I also own a Nintendo Wii with several games. While Nintendo doesn't go out of their way to make things accessible to us, they don't do everything in their power to put up CAPTCHAs and every other roadblock under the sun to lock us out.  I also own a copy of Smugglers5; even though accessibility is far from perfect, the developer at least tries, and it does work on multiple screen readers with multiple configurations. That's more than Steam has bothered to do. 

Valve is an accessibility disgrace. They do not deserve, and should not get, 1 percent of my or any other blind player's money, never mind 30 percent.  As it is, all you are doing is choosing to pay 30 percent to a company that is actively doing everything it can to lock you out of the system.  By doing so, you are making it impossible for those of us who want to see real improvements, and who want accessibility that doesn't exclude every blind player who isn't using Windows with NVDA and Firefox.  But I guess if it works for you, anyone else should just go screw themselves.  Your attitude is sickening.

Your assumption that I don't support mainstream game accessibility is absolutely non sense.  Your putting words in my mouth is completely unappreciated.  Your needless insults to the audiogames developers are totally unnecessary. 

And on an unrelated note, I've proofread this post 4 times, and I'm still not sure if I used the right "there" in the right places. Yes, English is hard. I get it.

Edit: and I missed one there. Fixed. Also, I used the word absolutely poorly, so I fixed that, too.


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