Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

First, don't demand that people follow your opinions as if they were complete and unarguable facts, you are clearly very biased.

The difficulty in repair, the missing numbpad and the missing CD drive have been things common to all thinner laptops for years now, Mac and Windows both.
And Mac navigation is great for the most part, just quite a bit different from Windows. After all how could so many people be using their Mac otherwise if it was really that bad? I've used it my self if not very recently and it was just fine, so maybe your VM was messing it up or something, since Mac VM's are notoriously iffy.
Agreed about the keyboard though, at least on the newer models. how ever for probably a decade before that they were quite nice, so that can't be applied to all Macbooks.
As mentioned by others it's still quite easy to run unsigned apps on the Mac even if they heavily discourage it (I'd hope it'd be common sense that you can probably trust a developer's download) And bigger companies have to pay for signing on Windows as well.
It is a problem still though I won't deny that.
The touchbar is kind of a problem for blind people but it's not impossible to use, and not all models have it still.
Oh and the missing headphone jack has nothing to do with the Mac and Apple aren't the only ones doing it now on smartphones anyway. Of course I think they definitely jumped the gun do to Bluetooth still having lag problems, but it's a different issue.
They are for sure overpriced both to buy and repair though even used, even with the awesomely strong unibody design and generally high quality parts, and by no means am I an Apple fanboy I promise, I've wanted to nuke their shiny offices from orbit several times over the years.

LOL SLJ I was writing my post as you were.

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