Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I will now post here what my mentor writes and these are not my words but his. I completely agree with them nd if you want to varify that I am not in any way implying that these words are my own, you can do so.

Terence Malaher wrote:

Testament 136
My dearest friends, most of the preceding communications from our loving Source were received by me prior to 1990.
Subsequent to this, I have travelled far and knocked on many doors with not only this message, but by the means of thousands of epistles written to individuals and groups over the last five years.  This brings us up to date, the latter part of 1994.
Prior to this time I had also written two books "The Visions of The Last Prophet," containing a few of the many visions seen by me during this life span, and "The Last Prophecy," that has now been incorporated within this book.
From my forays into the modern world of "religious beliefs" of many many different orders, it is apparent that all revere their past leaders, some being God's messengers, and thus heed not the basic message from our loving God being: "Love one another."
Also, it is apparent that all religious elders believe and teach falsely that IT, the "act" of killing another either in self defence or killing one who is evil, is within the parameters of their religion, and thus acceptable to their Creator in that they can avoid the Law of retribution and still reach the Promised Land.  (Heaven)
This greatest perpetrated lie is the one to most likely result in your soul falling into the depths as you retaliate when confronted.
I have found that my projection of being God's earthly messenger to have been received with scorn and ridicule by many professing to be Christians, and many others.
However, it is through their utter disbelief and non-understanding of the truth, and in their very denial of me that God's angels have responded with some of the following communications in this book and other "Epistles" and have thus been able to shine their light of understanding onto the devious cunning ways of the "dark one," thus exposing how humanity is so easily deceived and erring.
Of the utmost importance is the act of "doing" the meditation prayer on p.33 thrice daily, and also in "heeding" the Christ's Creed and God's WORD & TRUTH on p.  284/5.
All humanity must come to the deep and bitter realisation of, and acquiescence to the requirement of God to "Go as a lamb to the slaughter" during any form of confrontation before attaining salvation.
All humanity has been deceived, and my exposure of the ways of man as I "Judge" their misdeeds, is as God's voice on earth.
Remember, our enemy is powerful and cunning and that the armour of God's "Wisdom and Truth" is needed as never before.  To pass your test you need to heed my message in full.
test126 top Testament 137
I am sure that you will soon see the difference between a person who "belongs" to a man made religion, and one who is TRUE TO the Light of GOD of any race, and thus a TRUE follower of Jesus by virtue of their heeding the WORD OF GOD which Jesus and others brought to earth.
I reach out and touch your face, and your heart with mine, saying: “Read deep and heed, I love you.” It is truly the time for you the reader to forgive and forget the past and look ahead.
No more recriminations about the actions of others towards you and yours.  Sit quietly and make your own personal decision to look now direct to God within and abide in God's good counsel of "love one another."
Please now serve God not man.  The spiritual reward is a "Joy" of such depth that it is indescribable.  I am sure that the following communications from God will fortify your conscious minds with more wisdom.
All the pages in this book contain wisdom and understanding imparted to me by God, and God's loving angels by the Grace of God.
These pages contain understanding and the necessary information that is needed by all to fortify themselves against the escalating onslaught from "below," being another level of lower consciousness.
We are “reached” either from within our own minds, or through the hands of others in the flesh who have succumbed to demonic thoughts.
The following pages give us an understanding in some areas that have been forgotten for some ages, and could not be revealed again until this time of literacy and fast communication on this earth.
Please send any donations to this cause to your nearest community welfare group, in the form of copies of this message, dried dehydrated tinned, or fresh food, medical supplies and blankets etc.  They may also need many willing extra hands.  To them and their helpers, this message from the Most High:
“Bend your backs as never before, you are the only ones who know for sure what is needed by Christ of thee, and I send my love now to thee.”
The Welfare groups shall be my link to all the needy on the brink.  To assist in every way in feeding the poor and helping them to pray.  All of you who are true, let God's love and compassion flow through you.
God is With You.
Behold, I stand at the gate and knock.  If any man shall hear my voice, and will open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
test126 top Testament 138
~ To all Religious leaders ~
(Who control groups of God's children under this sun).
Many have suffered and much has been done, and many a weeping soul now seeks the Son, and all but all seek the love of God through the guidance of men* on this sod.
So I now speak for GOD as I the dove on earth do plod, for I speak for the LIGHT and the DARK, for the dark side will now make its mark against any who it use, against any who others abuse, against any who me deny and thus make God's children cry.
For I am the truth and the way.  My voice will be heard forever and a day and any who fail to my message pass on will by the dark side of God be made undone.
For 'tis this side that is the power, it is this side with eyes that red glower, it is this side that will now have its say against ALL who heed not God's word to day.
And I AM THE WORD.  I speak once more in case you have not heard, and 'tis the dark side that does DEMAND that the message from the light IS the COMMAND.
Soon all to feel the Power, soon all to see eyes that red glower.  Soon all who have, and will deny me, shall be consumed by fire for eternity.  Not the fire of the flame, but pain, eternal coldness and no name, for into the wastelands frozen below will ALL NON-BELIEVERS soon now go.
And I for all eternity have told all to LOVING BE, and now the SOURCE, the ESSENCE OF GOD, will seek its OWN here on the sod.  So all who fail to me heed I say will be made to bleed, so to you who would me deny I call out to with this LAST FINAL CRY:
Pass my message on, this is the ONLY WAY YOUR FREEDOM WON.  I do not care who you say you are, you are of NO NAME if you follow not God's star.
Forget not - the Essence speaks. 
test126 top Testament 139
~ Letter to Ministers of Religion ~
Yes you ministers of the "smock," too many of you God mock,* saying: "To share love is untrue, celibacy is what God asks of you," and 'tis thus that you God's call deny, and God's children you mentally try as you say "Sinful is sex."
Thus on all souls you put a hex,* and through this manipulation comes "doubt." So many their love do flout in devious dark ways, fearful of being seen in loving forays.  Openly must we outreach and our loving and sharing our children teach by saying "It's good to others touch, this is how we share our love as such."
So to ministers I say, "Heed my pen that does sway, for IF God's children we MENTALLY DECEIVE, then dark forces will make us grieve."
For it IS WORSE I do say, destroying another in a spiritual way.  Better to knife and take a life than to deceive another who is GOD'S WIFE, meaning, ALL BY GOD ARE CHOSEN.
ALL are God's beloved children and ANY who them wrongfully deceive will by GOD be made to grieve.
So look now to your SAY, look to WHAT you do say as you daily connive as you against other religions do strive.  NOW is the time to be true, I THE ONE say to you, for ONLY ministers who compassionate BE will be elevated by ME.
Alongside you are angels TALL,* alongside you angels of the fall,* and as along the PRECIPICE YOU TREAD await BOTH to see your BREAD,* your food, your song, whether RIGHT or whether WRONG, and as the tree felled does fall, one side elevates, the other does MAUL, for as you "Pass OVER" out of the flesh, your soul as all does with one side enmesh.
Will you fall to the demonic side
or be elevated by LOVE and in heaven abide ?
"Your CHOICE" I say to EACH OF YOU.
"As yet very few are true"
are the words that flow now down*
and reach up* from those that will you drown.*

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