Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I will now post here what my mentor writes regarding religions and these are not my words but his. I completely agree with them and if you want to verify that I am not in any way implying that these words are my own, you can do so.

Terence Malaher wrote:

The forbidden fruit is not the "apple on the tree" and neither is it the "charms" of women that sometimes are denied thee.  No, the forbidden fruit is the invisible dark energy flow that flows ceaselessly, and when "of" it you sup your Sin within grows as it is "watered" energetically.
Our God says that to remain free, we must abide in the Word and only peaceful be.  If on darkness we partake then our way becomes aggressive and a mess of our life we make.
And if we "feed" on the forbidden fruit we die spiritually.  But before we die, we for an eternity do cry, for when bound by darkness and its karmic lode we all demand "an eye for an eye."
As we thus defy and deny the Commandment to "Forgive and only love," we under the "As you sow you will reap" Law do suffer in perpetuity.
And any who are so foolish and so bound have bound themselves on the "suffering wheel" that goes round and round.  For what they cannot see is that what we do comes back, and we never can get free until we put down the sword and heed the Holy "Only love" Word.
So let us all from today now heed this fresh "say" that my sacred pen does bring from our God of light.  For all now will feel the vengeful wrath of the retributive God of the dark night.
Blessed shall all be who heed now me.  Only they shall of their past dark "fruit" be set free, and given a fresh chance to in heaven dance.
Testament 3
The “Old” and the “New” Testaments are now obsolete, for “man” did words distort and them thus mistreat. All spiritual teachings have become distorted, and their original truth and direction thus thwarted.
All these books must be destroyed.  For through their misunderstanding was much evil deployed.  All who read them have been led astray, only read this Testament of Truth today.
The “old” books became “contaminated food” as man over “meaning” did brood, and all were vain, thus did the serpent power gain as man, with his “complicated” understanding, misunderstood the power of the “under handing,” the “shadow” under God’s hand that denies access to the promised land to all who did “distort” the original words prophets did “report.”
So I again now “come” to thee with “fresh food” to set thee free
I deliver this fresh doctrine clear and bright, to shine forth as the morning light, and will declare it afar off.  I have penetrated to all lower parts of the earth and beheld all who sleep, and enlightened all who hope in the lord their God of love. 
I pour out doctrine as prophecy and wisdom, and will not cease to instruct your off-spring even to the Holy Age. See ye that I have not laboured for myself only, but for all of you who seek truth and deliverance.
Behold, I stand at the gate and knock.  If any shall hear my voice, and will open to me the door, I will come in to them, and will share with them this wisdom from our God on high.
Son of Irene & David
Testament 4 
THIS Testament is a message from God to the world. 
It is the fulfillment of prophecy and is the naked truth.
It is the message which unfolds the beginning of the End.  The swift escalation of the sword and famine that was prophesied would take place as mankind reaps more quickly for past sinning Sown, after which, Peace will flow in and the meek will inherit the earth.
This document is the Correction of the Truth, and reveals the mystery of God and Christ's return, the true nature of Sin and the spiritual reality of Justice and Judgment, the reality of the message that Jesus came to earth to give mankind, and, the truth as to why he was crucified. 
And gives the full explanation of How, Why, and When, the inhabitants of planet earth will be “attacked” telepathically on a mental level from within, and be mentally subjugated by evil souls on a lower level of consciousness (hell).
And how we will be used by them, to brutalise and destroy each other for a period of time in which insanity will prevail on earth.
It contains the WISDOM from GOD which will mentally fortify believers so that they remain sane in the process, and survive spiritually.
When you hear my call
harden not your hearts
Those who heed not this message through me
will be bound by darkness and never be free
This Testament of Truth contains some of the thousands of epistles received telepathically between 1987 & 1997 by the Spirit of Truth, whose sinless “clarity of essence” vibrates at the infinite frequency of the God-head, thus enabling pure truth to link-in to his conscious mind from the Source.
Thus I have corrected the untrue teachings sown by our forefathers who had wrested the scriptures for material gain through their sin, and perpetuated by our elders today unto their own destruction, and yours, if you see not the message contained herein and its bitter implications.
"With thanks to angelic men
who daily wielded my sacred pen"
Testament 5
Hear the Word of the LORD ~ O ye Nations
All who hear His Word shall be gathered up,
and He will keep them as the shepherd does his flock.
Suave rosa, suave rosa, floreat per hank domum.
The Heavenly Sea from up above empower me here with God’s love.  So for sure, for sure, for sure, I’ll overcome the negative poor,* for my truth will shine for ‘tis truth God’s love divine.
Show the way, is what I’ll do and pull many a soul through, for they will see what they will see, become unbound and then set free.  So friends I ask of you, show you are true, show you are true.
Blessedness in the night.  Blessedness of other’s plight.  Blessedness for being you.
Blessedness, I love you true.
Darling parents of all mankind, help me open their eyes so they aren’t blind.  Oh sweet mercy follow me too, and compassion, walk alongside too, both please flow like never before, open your arms and let LOVE outpour.
I believe I am YOU
I believe you are TRUE
I believe and I will DO
The Prince of Peace has returned to earth bringing God’s True Word, and his love will remain now on earth forever and a day.  His message to you is: “Hold fast unto my Wisdom and My Word, he or she who shall persevere unto the end shall be saved.  I love you, I bless you.”
The contents of this document are divinely inspired by the Creator of all humanity God, and are sent through the ministry of God’s angels, and are dedicated to all humanity.  I submit them as prophecy and as the correction of the truth on earth.  
I submit them in my name Terence the Christ and,  I submit them as a Testament of my belief in Him Jesus the man within whose 'flesh' my spirit soul once strode on earth and, I submit them as a Testament to HIS TRUE WORD.
I pray for all mankind:
“Darling children of all mankind, who’ve walked in the darkness and so blind.  I now bless you for our Mother above, who through me now fortifies you all with Her love.  Her blessings flow as never before, and Her angels walk by you that’s for sure.  So lift up your hearts with fortitude and cheer, eternal paradise is now very near.”
‘Mercy,’ the pen of God
Testament 6
 ‘Tis out of Africa will come the truth.  The son of the Sun will be the proof.  From the land of the mountain, the mountain of God, will the truth emerge to those of the sod. 
From the heartbeat of Africa will the truth flow.  From the slopes of Kilimanjaro with peaks of snow.  From the mountain of God for all to see is the source of all wisdom to be.
From the plains of Africa the eagle soars, shimmering feathers of light will open all doors.  Around the planet will the eagle soar, his call will penetrate even into the abyss for sure.
Feathers of light and wisdom and love. 
Truth sent from God in the heaven above. 
Shafts of gold and silvery light,
will silently work in His children at night.
Strengthening their minds for the test in store, again to God’s word will many now draw near.  From its piercing eye way up high I see the message "please try, please try."
The last shall be first and the first shall be last.
So my children who are starving keep calm in the fast.  You shall be the first to reach heaven above through your calmness, and live forever with love. 
Those hateful and greedy, who think they’re the first, may for an eternity for inner peace thirst.  So ‘tis for them that this message is spread for they are the ones who filled the planet with dread.
Abide by God’s word and forever run free. 
Cause pain to others and pain awaits thee,
yea verily, the karmic yoke
can only by non-retaliation be broke
Trust in God
let it so be
Trust in God
you will be set free.
Testament 7
As it was written - so shall it be. 
Mankind must reap before being set free. 
Sword and famine across the land,
caused by hatred at the satanic hand.
“Then, eternal peace from shore to shore,
with God’s truth in the land forevermore.”
Now begins the fulfillment of past prophecy in relation to the time of tribulation.  Resulting in humanity now reaping fully what it sowed in the past when individuals failed to heed the call to love one another, and abused each other.
Peace will flow in after the cleansing is done.
JESUS SAID: “AS I AM, so shall ye be, verily, all who follow me”
Christed souls in heaven abound, all true blue with minds sound.  Christed means God’s love flowing free, at last, at last, free of binding negativity. 
So each of you will Christed be when you allow pure love to flow free, then at last forevermore, you too will grace that distant shore.
Be concerned not who I be, heed the content and become free.  Time will tell if I am true, I am trying to be a friend to you.  For I see what I do see, so I’ll do what must be, be done to show the way.  FOLLOW JESUS is what I say,
His truth will forever last,
then in heaven you will bask. 
The WORD OF GOD I do say,
IS THE WAY, the ONLY way.
Only through a pure soul of divinity
can the truth shine through from eternity. 
Love all who come your way,
they are your sisters and brothers forever and a day.
Sin - Justice - Judgment, is contained herein, and a deeper understanding of the power of sin.
Testament 8
Now is the beginning, the beginning of the end, when very few will have a loving friend, before the new beginning of the loving age to be, the time our loving God has set so many free.
This, the final struggle for each and every soul is a needed proving time for earthlings who do stroll.  Walking in the darkness, making many quail as they mete out pain and many for sure will fail.
Those on earth in ignorance of the power of those below, and how their thoughts invisibly in our minds do sow, will be swung around like puppets on strings, their minds filled with hate and fear and other things.
So dear friends who hear this call, prepare your minds so you don’t fall.  Just remember, to attain the heavens above, you must learn to give with all your love.
Now’s the time to gather around and listen to God’s triumphant blast sound.  Sounding out from the heavens above, outpouring Her Mighty love.  Peace, love and truth forevermore, will She on mighty men outpour daily.  Daily must they go their way doing Her deeds every day.
“Follow Me”
The cry calls out, or you’ll miss this triumphant shout.  Flowing from this mighty pen is the cry of a hundred million men.  Men who are angels free now at last from their strivings aeons past, seeking to uplift you in their arms so forever you’ll see God’s charms.
“Forever, forever”
Is their cry, I hear coming down out the sky,
“Never, ever, will you die, if you remember the truth* and why.”*
the truth* - Being that we need to show God that we 'deserve' to be permitted access into HIS Paradise, by showing God by our deed that we are 'Peaceful, merciful, compassionate, respectful, caring, loving, kind, and forgiving, and that we DO 'turn the other cheek' when abused.  That is the 'sign' to God that we heard HER 'call' from the Land Divine. 
and why.* - Because when we abide in the "Peace unto all & only love" Commandment, our 'sin' is drawn out of our soul and it becomes 'sinless' and, - - - if we 'defy' the Command and fight or control or punish or abuse, we draw more darkness in and we never 'win' our spiritual freedom.
Testament 9
~ The insane season ~
Now is the Time of the insane “Season,” and you ALL must understand the “Reason,” that in the past, you did “abuse” and “take,” and God’s WILL must you now “break.”
For Father must 'do unto you what you did when untrue.' This IS the LAW of God’s “Hand” that will be seen in every “Land” that IS outside Heaven.  All eat not of God’s Leaven, the Wisdom I did bring so that you could in Heaven sing.
So now “Prepare” to in the “face” of darkness “stare,” If you IT deny, you will eternally cry.  Take your “Punishment” as you go, calmly, then, only then, will it “slow.”
IF you continually retaliate, forever will darkness you berate.  Try to my message understand, that God has a very heavy hand, that is, upon all who deny the call to LOVE, Mother’s eternal cry.
We only “believe” what we are taught, and this belief can with danger be fraught, for Religion & Truth are far apart, THUS the Messiah gives a fresh start.  Bringing pure truth to all whom on earth stroll, so that it can “draw out,” a response from the soul of any seeking aspirant under the sun.
Matters not their Creed, OR what they “have” done, and thus, at this “End time,” God’s love does again on earth entwine through the mind of a simple man, “God’s pen,” that does earth now span with God’s message for all to see, that is, any who’d forever be free.
So any who on its “living water” sup,
will for sure fall not to the satanic pup.
Many have been taught “Jesus did you save.” This is untruth emanating from the “knave.” Jesus came to “Set you free” through heeding God’s WORD he spoke freely.
And, the Spirit of Truth does again on earth walk to teach all how darkness does us stalk daily.  Through each and every mind, thus, we are unkind and also totally blind in that God’s call we cannot heed and we continue to mercilessly make many bleed.  Totally denying our God of love who says, “Please TRY,” from up above.
So this dove now bequeaths to you The Testament of Truth, his Legacy true.  Read it if you “have the time.” Let your mind and soul with pure truth dine.  It is God’s WORD that IS the way, I God’s MESSENGER say today.
Testament 10
~ The futility of praising men ~
“Christians” praise Jesus the MAN,
forgetting his MESSAGE which is God’s plan
for ALL to daily HEED,
NOT make others suffer and bleed.
Children, heed me today. 
YOU ALL walk the wrong way.
I am here but to “show” how it is we fall below through the power of the mind, being thoughts that us bind as they twist and weave they us deceive into believing we are doing good, and thus God’s WORD is misunderstood.
For this “thought” is “power play,” emanating from far away from that land that we call Hell that has a very hypnotic “Spell” over the mind of simple 'man.'
Who “believe” that they can “span,” sit astride any other “person” and control them, as they do “plod” on any level outside Heaven where so few sup on God’s Leaven, being the wisdom of LOVE that outpours forever above. 
“We” the children but “instruments” be, for the Source of all creativity, and the Source down below from whence all evil doth outflow, and, we “think” we understand the Word of God from the promised land.
But our minds did twist and weave seeking “control,” and did the deceiver believe that we are mightier than God, and that we and it can control all who plod.
And thus its call we obey until one day we feel dismay.  For its control has reached “such” power that within “us” its “force” does “glower,” and this force does us control totally as we do stroll, and, there is naught we can do, for we can neither hear nor heed the WORD TRUE, and thus are we unkind to self and others as we are blind.
I speak of the thoughts and feelings that flow through us, and, their governing influence on our expressed deeds, and also of the invisible mental influence from other unseen levels of consciousness which takes place twenty-four hours a day.
The New Golden Age is dawning; the quickening vibration will be felt by all mankind.  The separation of the wheat from the chaff has commenced, the time of our Judgment is at the time of our “last breath,” and those that “pass over” whilst revelling in sin, will forever and a day wonder, how stupid they’d been.
We are known only by our deeds towards our brethren, by what we do to and for them, ‘tis not enough that we do naught, those who cannot “give,” and help uplift our needy brethren are almost in the same category as those who abuse others mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Testament 11
 the Order of the Day.
Never has so much been required in so little time.  The beauty of the dawn will not awaken the many.  Strength of mind and strength of character is a must. 
The weak shall fall, the ignorant shall fall, the stupid shall fall, the vengeful shall fall, and all those who suffer the soul disease of greed, hatred, lust and power.
The beauty and the beast, for a little time the beauty shall surely sleep, there will be the darkness of pain, torture and turmoil.  This will be, this must be, attempts of allayment will be, and are futile. 
Let the river run, those of God must remain silent.  Let them strengthen themselves with the inner strength of faith tested to the limit, but remember the goal, life, eternal life with Christ.
Seek ye to the depths of your souls, prepare ye for this time, submit to no one, lest ye forsake your souls to the Devil.  Remember, his ways are cunning and deceit, his values are naught, but God’s children, remember, you are not alone, you have a shepherd, and the day will surely come when you are gathered up.
But those of the other world of darkness, and those in-between must see you and know you for what you are, for they too are being tried and tested and given every last chance for remorse and a new undertaking.  being the commitment to God’s ways of Hope, Love, Charity, Compassion, Forgiveness and Truth.
So dear brethren of ours, deliver yourselves up from all evil ways.  The time of your judgment is at the time of your death.  Forwards and upwards or lost in the dark, this must be, for the time has come to clear the air so to speak. 
Testament 12
Understanding and forgiveness must be projected by those of the light to those still in the dark or in confusion, this will implant a seed, a remembering seed, those in the borderland might be saved by this seed. 
Those in the darkness will dwell on this seed, and in the depths of the darkness that seed will grow into remorse, and thus when they rise again in the flesh, they will or may reach out for the light.  So brethren so dear to our hearts, in love, hope and truth, we leave you for now, be of good cheer, you shall never be forsaken.
Exactitude of the spirit, deeper awareness into the depths of eternity, submitting oneself to ever increasing beauty and truth.  Forever is the keyword, non limiting the vastness of experience that lies ahead, ever increasing ever expanding. 
Fulfillment of time, authoritarian dispensation, accumulation of profit, spiritual awareness and growth, fermentation and breeding, deliverance and destruction, diseases of the mind, beauty and incest.
Compassion towards others is the infinite requirement.
Avoidance of this compassion is caused by the invidious invasion of the soul by dark forces bent on corruption, deception of the mind.  Foresight and forethought will maintain a fortress of stability where promptness of action after identification is our deliverer.
Deviousness and cunning bent on our destruction must be identified to stop the flow of insidious poison.  This is the biblical mist that puts the soul to death as it infiltrates our mental fortress whilst we sleep, unaware. 
Cleanse the soul.  Daily seek this refuge and fortification, do not be lulled by the untruth of non-caring awareness, abide in constant forethought. 
My mind is like a song, humming and spinning, weaving and thrusting, turmoil and grief, destruction and death, premonition and priestliness, forsooth we hear, forsake your God, Jesus is near, draw near to your God.  Forgiveness sublime, torture and tears, purpose of thought, purpose of mind.
Deliverance, deliverance, deliverance, these must be the words, thoughts, dreams, essenceing through the turmoil of the mind.  Daily prayer, daily supplication, daily drawing together, closer and closer. 
Bequeath to your mind the gift of your soul.
Salvation, deeper and deeper this knowledge must run, through the turmoil through the grief must run the silver thread, spinning and weaving, joining and drawing closer and closer, the knowing that death must us part, but only for the brief moment whilst the river runs. 
Souls embalmed in eternal salvation, stand fast, and remember the ways of our LORD, in all things stand fast, death before dishonour.
Testament 13
Truth in time shall be told, forward, onward, fearlessly through grief and turmoil, threading the way, fortuitous in soul, fortuitous in deed.  Remember the truth, truth in word, and truth in deed, blessed are those who see the truth, know the truth, and are guided by the truth. 
Deception and fear are constant companions lurking on every side, but crystal clear as the morning dew must be the vision ahead, gleaming in the distant dawn, never lose sight of it, follow the Morning star, keep it in your mind, let it lift your heart above the dust. 
Forsake all known in misconception.  The way of the Christ like a lamb to the slaughter, this is the only way; let not your souls be deceived by your minds that there is any other.  Strength children, courage, foresight, wisdom, and the deep knowing of the truth of ultimate salvation, Love, Compassion, Understanding, Forgiveness. 
As we strive against the thoughts within us, we will find the blocking and unlocking, glimpses of despair and doubt, fear and misfortune.  Clearly we must see clarity and purpose, deal ourselves the blow, the blow of inner death to all that blocks the way.
Further and further along the path, seeking and searching.  Travelling through the turmoil, freshening like the morning dew, strengthening like the morning breeze, flooding like the rising tide with purpose, insight and new courage. 
Desperate the curse against us, purposeful in its march and toll, forward ever forward we go sounding the bell of triumph.  Sweetness is the sound of glory, sweetness is the sound of truth, sweetness is the sound of knowledge, leading us to everlasting peace.  Adrift in the ocean or lost in the dark is not for us.  Blessings of purest gold.
Doubt not the meaning of what you hear, truth not fear must be yours, let the life force within expand, in depth and beauty let it glow with light for all to see. 
Naked must you stand for all to see, naked in truth, naked in belief.  The dawn shall be cold, yes with chill as well, not to the bone but to the very marrow within. 
Duty for all sons and daughters of God, faces to the sun with calmness to the fore.  Through the turmoil Terence, you must lead the way.  Through the storm you will run, lighting up the path of light and of truth for all to see. 
Be with us as one, we shall be your brief, brothers in love, sisters in beauty and truth.  Strengthen your souls ‘till sweat stands on the brow in awareness and control of inner hate, hate of what you see, obscenity to the fore, against revenge as never before for what lies in store. 
Though your muscles tremble, though your thoughts may shake, you must be firm in peace for all, and not of any partake.
Testament 14
Clearly must you Christians see, the truth and where it lies, in everlasting peace ahead your brethren must not be despised.  See them as sorrow, see them as fear, see them as greed and hate, but do not relate. 
Let your soul within recede and call your mind to task.  Belief and sorrow, tragedy and trust, friends and foes, all alike must you love, knowing of their pain within.  Reach out and touch, bequeath to them the blessings of the sun, Pure liquid love.
The magnitude of the task ahead is immense.  Fortunes of war, fortunes of men shall all be used.  Fortifications and ramifications, blessings bestowed, gifts and denials, brevity, shortfalls, insight and delusions, the dreams of many shattered, misfortune and gun-smoke as never seen before. 
The planet a seething writhing mass of insanity.
Desperate men and desperate deeds, through this turmoil will run the silver thread of truth and sanity, silently woven by those of God, infinitely patient, infinitely still, infinitely courageous.
Burgeoning beliefs, sweat on brow, tingling nerves of steel, forget me not, denial and deliverance, overbearing, powerful, disastrous deception, freedom and release, the distraught and the fearful.  Yes the river shall run.
Emotions, emotions, emotions, so high and so vibrant, taut as violin strings, swayed and strung, plucked and pricked, twisted and turned, bleeding and frothing, distant and dark.  They are the players sending their thoughts up from the dark.
Turmoil and grief, laughter and jeers, joking and cunning, deadly intent, round and round like puppets on strings reel the poor players.  Ever God’s silent men, the solid and the sinful, like drawing like,* up from the depths come the souls of the past.
Nearer and nearer gather these storms, bent on destruction, torture and tears.  Seek ye the shelter, the shelter within, the shelter of silence, not the shelter of sin, nothing but courage lest your heart hate, this would be sinful, dreaded and belated.  Lose not the thread that joins you to God, sanity and peace shall be your lot.
Gently, gently flows the tide, the ebbing swung back and forth, in truth and love and trust, we now must fear the worst, future seeds of doubt now spread.
Amidst the awakening dawn the creeping crawling creatures emitting every mourn. Drearily it seems their creaking bones awake, upsurge awaken, upsurge awaken, feeling their new power from within.
Testament 15
The New Age heralds the quickening vibration, raising consciousness, raising men, all shall be elevated up from the dust, slowly at first but quicker than last.  Lust for your blood as they come from the past.
Now is the time Terence son, as we your dear brethren silently speak, onwards my son must every man run, onwards and upwards to the face of the sun.  Spread your wings now as never before, let your love flow and seed as it goes, swifter and swifter your courage must grow, and rise with the vibration our Lord did sow.
Leave all the doubters, forsakers, aloof, help all the needy the wholesome and poor, and any friends who come to your door.  Quickly and calmly your feet will now tread as stronger and stronger you rise from your bed.  Bend with the trees as the wind your wings spread and fly like an arrow from whence we you sped.
Seemingly fruitless some of your tasks seem, but do not tarry, let it seem like a dream.  Consciously trusting and lovingly hope, till death does us part is the cry and the hope.  Living the life of peace evermore, twisting and turning with fate to the fore.  We love you, dream awhile.
Down and down the river runs down into the depths, deepening chapters from the past, rising from their rest.  Slowly, silently from the past runs this awful tide, brushing all aside. 
Never let your soul at rest while this river runs, all the time aware be, never time to rest.  Quickly and quietly as it flows flighty must you be, go evermore into the past, visibly unseen, go your way son, into the mists of time. 
Bear the cross of mighty men, cleave it to and fro, cut a swath of truth so deep that even the blind can see.  Sadly, as you walk your path, greatly burdened in your heart, flow with it, do not stem it, great is its power like never before.
Great the hordes of angels, waiting to be released.  Swiftly they flow from above wielding their swords of truth and love.  They pick and shove as they go, lifting up and dashing low. 
Deftly runs their mighty wand as it weaves from to and fro, the greatest wizard of all time stands behind this mighty host, making sure that none is lost, all up must go, even a tiny step.
Oh sweet wanderer from the past, hold your breath, let forever last, last until the final race, last until the final pace, onwards and forwards you must race.  Through the turmoil, through the grief, the lusting the thief, the dread and the turmoil, seek it, find it, as you speed along.
Never cease your triumphant song, sing it loud and sing it clear, so far and wide that all may hear.  “The Prince of Peace” that song must say, “Is here for evermore so pray, pray for peace that evermore will last, and last forever and a day.” Blessings flow.
Testament 136
My dearest friends, most of the preceding communications from our loving Source were received by me prior to 1990.
Subsequent to this, I have travelled far and knocked on many doors with not only this message, but by the means of thousands of epistles written to individuals and groups over the last five years.  This brings us up to date, the latter part of 1994.
Prior to this time I had also written two books "The Visions of The Last Prophet," containing a few of the many visions seen by me during this life span, and "The Last Prophecy," that has now been incorporated within this book.
From my forays into the modern world of "religious beliefs" of many many different orders, it is apparent that all revere their past leaders, some being God's messengers, and thus heed not the basic message from our loving God being: "Love one another."
Also, it is apparent that all religious elders believe and teach falsely that IT, the "act" of killing another either in self defence or killing one who is evil, is within the parameters of their religion, and thus acceptable to their Creator in that they can avoid the Law of retribution and still reach the Promised Land.  (Heaven)
This greatest perpetrated lie is the one to most likely result in your soul falling into the depths as you retaliate when confronted.
I have found that my projection of being God's earthly messenger to have been received with scorn and ridicule by many professing to be Christians, and many others.
However, it is through their utter disbelief and non-understanding of the truth, and in their very denial of me that God's angels have responded with some of the following communications in this book and other "Epistles" and have thus been able to shine their light of understanding onto the devious cunning ways of the "dark one," thus exposing how humanity is so easily deceived and erring.
Of the utmost importance is the act of "doing" the meditation prayer on p.33 thrice daily, and also in "heeding" the Christ's Creed and God's WORD & TRUTH on p.  284/5.
All humanity must come to the deep and bitter realisation of, and acquiescence to the requirement of God to "Go as a lamb to the slaughter" during any form of confrontation before attaining salvation.
All humanity has been deceived, and my exposure of the ways of man as I "Judge" their misdeeds, is as God's voice on earth.
Remember, our enemy is powerful and cunning and that the armour of God's "Wisdom and Truth" is needed as never before.  To pass your test you need to heed my message in full.
test126 top Testament 137
I am sure that you will soon see the difference between a person who "belongs" to a man made religion, and one who is TRUE TO the Light of GOD of any race, and thus a TRUE follower of Jesus by virtue of their heeding the WORD OF GOD which Jesus and others brought to earth.
I reach out and touch your face, and your heart with mine, saying: “Read deep and heed, I love you.” It is truly the time for you the reader to forgive and forget the past and look ahead.
No more recriminations about the actions of others towards you and yours.  Sit quietly and make your own personal decision to look now direct to God within and abide in God's good counsel of "love one another."
Please now serve God not man.  The spiritual reward is a "Joy" of such depth that it is indescribable.  I am sure that the following communications from God will fortify your conscious minds with more wisdom.
All the pages in this book contain wisdom and understanding imparted to me by God, and God's loving angels by the Grace of God.
These pages contain understanding and the necessary information that is needed by all to fortify themselves against the escalating onslaught from "below," being another level of lower consciousness.
We are “reached” either from within our own minds, or through the hands of others in the flesh who have succumbed to demonic thoughts.
The following pages give us an understanding in some areas that have been forgotten for some ages, and could not be revealed again until this time of literacy and fast communication on this earth.
Please send any donations to this cause to your nearest community welfare group, in the form of copies of this message, dried dehydrated tinned, or fresh food, medical supplies and blankets etc.  They may also need many willing extra hands.  To them and their helpers, this message from the Most High:
“Bend your backs as never before, you are the only ones who know for sure what is needed by Christ of thee, and I send my love now to thee.”
The Welfare groups shall be my link to all the needy on the brink.  To assist in every way in feeding the poor and helping them to pray.  All of you who are true, let God's love and compassion flow through you.
God is With You.
Behold, I stand at the gate and knock.  If any man shall hear my voice, and will open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
test126 top Testament 138
~ To all Religious leaders ~
(Who control groups of God's children under this sun).
Many have suffered and much has been done, and many a weeping soul now seeks the Son, and all but all seek the love of God through the guidance of men* on this sod.
So I now speak for GOD as I the dove on earth do plod, for I speak for the LIGHT and the DARK, for the dark side will now make its mark against any who it use, against any who others abuse, against any who me deny and thus make God's children cry.
For I am the truth and the way.  My voice will be heard forever and a day and any who fail to my message pass on will by the dark side of God be made undone.
For 'tis this side that is the power, it is this side with eyes that red glower, it is this side that will now have its say against ALL who heed not God's word to day.
And I AM THE WORD.  I speak once more in case you have not heard, and 'tis the dark side that does DEMAND that the message from the light IS the COMMAND.
Soon all to feel the Power, soon all to see eyes that red glower.  Soon all who have, and will deny me, shall be consumed by fire for eternity.  Not the fire of the flame, but pain, eternal coldness and no name, for into the wastelands frozen below will ALL NON-BELIEVERS soon now go.
And I for all eternity have told all to LOVING BE, and now the SOURCE, the ESSENCE OF GOD, will seek its OWN here on the sod.  So all who fail to me heed I say will be made to bleed, so to you who would me deny I call out to with this LAST FINAL CRY:
Pass my message on, this is the ONLY WAY YOUR FREEDOM WON.  I do not care who you say you are, you are of NO NAME if you follow not God's star.
Forget not - the Essence speaks. 
test126 top Testament 139
~ Letter to Ministers of Religion ~
Yes you ministers of the "smock," too many of you God mock,* saying: "To share love is untrue, celibacy is what God asks of you," and 'tis thus that you God's call deny, and God's children you mentally try as you say "Sinful is sex."
Thus on all souls you put a hex,* and through this manipulation comes "doubt." So many their love do flout in devious dark ways, fearful of being seen in loving forays.  Openly must we outreach and our loving and sharing our children teach by saying "It's good to others touch, this is how we share our love as such."
So to ministers I say, "Heed my pen that does sway, for IF God's children we MENTALLY DECEIVE, then dark forces will make us grieve."
For it IS WORSE I do say, destroying another in a spiritual way.  Better to knife and take a life than to deceive another who is GOD'S WIFE, meaning, ALL BY GOD ARE CHOSEN.
ALL are God's beloved children and ANY who them wrongfully deceive will by GOD be made to grieve.
So look now to your SAY, look to WHAT you do say as you daily connive as you against other religions do strive.  NOW is the time to be true, I THE ONE say to you, for ONLY ministers who compassionate BE will be elevated by ME.
Alongside you are angels TALL,* alongside you angels of the fall,* and as along the PRECIPICE YOU TREAD await BOTH to see your BREAD,* your food, your song, whether RIGHT or whether WRONG, and as the tree felled does fall, one side elevates, the other does MAUL, for as you "Pass OVER" out of the flesh, your soul as all does with one side enmesh.
Will you fall to the demonic side
or be elevated by LOVE and in heaven abide ?
"Your CHOICE" I say to EACH OF YOU.
"As yet very few are true"
are the words that flow now down*
and reach up* from those that will you drown.*
Testament 145
The Hirelings* are those saying "We are the church," but 'tis they who their souls besmirch.  THE CHURCH is not buildings or ministerial men, 'tis GOD'S children heeding the message from this pen.  ABIDING by the WORD, those that it heard.
So the FLOCK be those of GENTLE NATURE who spiritually stand tall of stature.  Going forth day by day, FREELY helping their brothers day by day, by showing compassion and forgiveness too, and not allowing any inner negativity to show through.
THE HIRELINGS have had their say.  The hirelings have had their day, for as funds begin to slow, their true nature they will show, for the TITHES did they misuse, and in land and buildings did they lose* the GIFTS of the worldly poor, given to God to help the needy for sure.
And God's children STILL quietly weep, for they are HUNGRY and have nowhere to sleep, and the huge mansions and monasteries too, should have been used for God's love to flow through, THROUGH FROM HEAVEN to THE NEEDY, NOT to fill the coffers of the greedy.
So by RITUAL have all been deceived, as dark thoughts their spells quietly weaved.  So all God's TRUE ministerial men who see the LIGHT flowing from this pen.
"RELEASE yourselves from bondage" I say, "Turn the past tithes into food and help, my way, which IS, feed the poor and bless them too, allow TRUE compassion to flow through.  SELL ALL your worldly goods NOW."
TRY and believe my truth somehow, for all but ALL will everyone now lose as mankind becomes more evil and abused, so prepare for this time and join ME in heaven with God's love divine.
Every earthly religious minister is also of my flock, so I say now, please "unfrock" and join the rest of the fold, see the truth and be BOLD for by your DRESS you tried to show that God's blessing did more on you grow, and : "You ARE THE LOWEST" I hear from above, that is if you heed not the cry of the dove.
Some of you are true but I call out to all of you, become SIMPLE, become free, own but a mattress and follow ME.  If you must gather to have a say* then even under the stars will God be your way.
USE the buildings for what they were meant, to house the needy that are daily sent, sent away to walk the cold dark street whilst "God's children" sleep under blanket and sheet.
"Why,"? I ask is mankind so blind.  Why not TRY to become more kind.  "Oh children please, please try." IS the message now sent from up high.  I bless you.  I am HERE to say again, DRAW THE NEEDY NEAR.
Testament 146
EVERY earthly "Church" organisation is a living lie that heeds not this message from the MOST HIGH, so to the FLOCK do I now speak, verily the TRUE SHEPHERD, to all his sheep.
HEARKEN to what I say to you,
HEARKEN for my truth is true. 
HEARKEN to the wisdom flowing from this pen,
HEARKEN for 'tis guided by God's highest men,
Angels of light, compassionate and true,
Angels of light who reach out to you. 
Angels of light who I hear cry. 
Angels of light saying please, please try.
Now the Last Dance does begin, minds will whirl and minds will spin.  Cunning and deviousness will unwind and many a soul will be unkind.  Now is the time to say goodbye, for friends will part as they do die.
Some will FALL and some will FLY, that is why, that is why.
So now, what do we do for eternity ? Will we say goodbye to many as we and they depart ? So heed God's call and have a fresh start, for it IS too late as you do FALL, dragged down feeling terror by forces "tall."
If only you KNEW and reality could SEE, then for sure you would heed me and CONTAIN the feelings rising within, not allow your mouth or mind to sin.  You must try and heed the word of God as blind you do on this level plod.
BEING merciful and compassionate every day, BEING forgiving as you walk your way, for only this way do I see will you join heavenly friends forever FREE.
Time is now short we must change tack* before the masts boom* does our face smack, for soon the wind will veer and all will feel its icy sheer, and to our minds must we look, reference page twenty four of God's holy book, for the Last Prophecy a TESTAMENT OF TRUTH be, for your children's children a LEGACY.
Please seek deep I ask,
for soon, for those "OF GOD" a mighty task
and we must not wait too long,
for hidden currents now flow more strong.
There are many MEN and WOMEN of the light who themselves are in a plight, for what it is I do see is that they are bound by society, so they now must shed this dross* like a stone being cleansed of moss as along the river bed it does roll, helped by Wisdom as it does stroll.
I reach out to all souls true, my sisters and brothers like you.  Yes most of you who this read, are from heaven, my seed.
Testament 147
Little by little I do see that many more now believe me.  For the story that I now do tell, released the rats from out of hell, for, 'tis they who needs teach us of Peace, for only when we "bleed" do we find release from the past, when we did others burn, and in paying our Karma, we our freedom earn.
And, our Atonement ONLY BE when as a LAMB, our blood runs free, so retaliate not if any you burn, for if you retaliate, you God's WORD SPURN.
~ Reject not the Reaper ~
People are afraid to let God in.  You must let God in to win, into your life, yes, even the God of strife.  If you try to it avoid, you fall into the void.
So welcome in the grim reap even if it makes you weep.  IF you the Reaper deny, the reaper makes you MORE cry.  So prepare now to allow ALL IN your door and thus quicker WIN.  Remember GOD.  GOD IS ALL in heaven and below the sod.  God says "TRY" to all, from up high.
Take down all fences around your home, allow God's children to freely roam.  IF you lock them OUT they cannot learn what life is about.
Falter not when you see me.  I am but a simple messenger, that be the one sent by our Father above, so for the last time HE imparts true wisdom with love.
For, the END I now UNFOLD and of its coming you have been told.  Stay calm in all you do, show GOD, not me, that you are true.  I cannot make anyone anything DO.  From their OWN inner divinity must reality shine through.
So I can ONLY God's truth SHOW via my gift I DEED, as my pen does flow, for I AM love divine, through ME does God shine His light and Her truth for I AM THE ONE, God's proof.
When I say as a lamb you must be, it implies the totality of this reality for IF you your fangs BARE when aggressive forces draw to you near, IT SHOWS GOD that the WOLF is yet you IN, and that you heed NOT the word, so you don't win.
The wolf reaches UP into your mind from within, and its power does unwind.  So you can BECOME a destroyer too if you don't believe what I say to you.
"CONTROL your feelings when you die, and go as a lamb," I hear from up high.  Those that retaliate have a mental breach and demonic forces do their minds reach.  Can you not see what I do say or must I again SHOW THE WAY.  "It is by DEED" I say to you, that God KNOWS who is who.
Take a deep breath and say, "I WILL TRY to heed God's wisdom from the sky," SEEK the star high above, feel its power, its endless love, for this STAR is given by me to you, to guide all souls who TRY to BE TRUE.
This star will daily cleanse your mind and eke out those thoughts so unkind, so you can be daily nearer God as along the last mile of the journey you plod.
Believe, believe, for I am true,
believe, believe, for I love you,
believe, believe, I do IMPLORE,
believe, believe, only, only, only, Mother Father God ADORE.

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