Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Here is what Terence writes regarding physical abuse, rape, celibacy and women of the street.

Terence Malaher wrote:

Testament 161
~ Physical abuse ~
Physical abuse of others usually takes place because the perpetrator believes that they can “carry out” the act with impunity.
This “belief” is the result of “empowerment” by man, through legislated enacted mandates, as in Law enforcement, or Military forces.
Other abuse is the negative antisocial “behaviour” carried out by a person who is temporarily “mentally unstable.”
Mental instability is the cause of all “uncivil” acts performed by one against another, be it from verbal abuse, to killing.
The instability is the direct result of negative emotions such as fear, greed, lust, jealousy, hatred, etc.  being “active.” Thus permitting “dark thoughts” to intrude into the consciousness of a person.
Society has deemed it “necessary” to take retributionary action against perpetrators in order to “punish and control.”
God says : “You must treat all my “erring” children as beings of “diminished responsibility.  They all pay their “dues” and Reap what they Sow.  You as an individual must somehow get to this know.  All are “responsible” to ME for their actions to others.
You must personally remain “true” to your sisters and brothers.  The more you twist and weave and control and punish, the more you grieve.  You I have told, must just “forgive” the ignorant arrogant ones if in heaven you’d live.  So all now must quickly others just “educate” peacefully or forever will darkness you berate.
You must personally forgive and only let love flow.  This is the only way that My realm you get to know.  So personally now make no other grieve.  For as you do, it is but Satan who did you deceive.”
I now with love and wisdom you of ignorance release.  Walk in respect and leave others in peace, and I wish you all the best.  By my wisdom, God’s, you are all blest.
Testament 142
~ Assault by Rape ~
Rape is the 'abuse of' and 'enslavement of' another being, be it a spiritual "sister" or "brother." It is an "imposition" by the "will" of one over another as their emotions "overspill."
Thus in a "moment" they justify the "improper" use of another and in some way make them "cry." They also cause fear and pain and always "something" take and this "something" freely gain.
The "taker" does not see the fullness or "depth" of their impropriety for they somehow "believe" that they are entitled to make the other grieve.  Despondency and despair are also the "ware" suffered by the one whom the "offender" did snare.
What none do see is that all "offenders" are callous "ignorants" who needs be educated by me the spirit of eternity.  For they have "taken on" the role of the "avenger," the reaper as on earth they stroll.
The "assault" can be in many a "way." Be it sexual, or a "bashing" or but stealing another's pay.  All impose suffering and all carry the same "sting." All are an imposition by a "brute" force that is self-empowered to any past offender "rape."
Yes, any assault upon any in any way is but the "due" being thrust upon a person whom in their past was callous and offensive and controlling in some way.
"I am innocent" all do cry, and
"I have hurt no-one" is their "call" as they suffer or even die.
How can I get "through" to you and you and "bless you" so that you are forgiving and merciful and kind on your "way." For you see not that your spirit soul has lived for an eternity and a day before it entered the flesh of this world, and all on earth have "punished & assaulted" others before.
So it is time for all to see that the pervading iniquity will go on and on until you all "listen" to this one.  For all whom do taxes pay are responsible for the actions of their "servants" they pay.
This "means" that armed forces "men" and others who "rape & pillage & destroy" are in your 'employ,' and as such whatever they do in their "spree" comes back in many a "way" to thee and thee.
I can also you "assure" that none "get-away" for being less than "demure." For the Dark "energy" that abusers use knows "who" did IT "diffuse" and IT has a memory a "zillion" years long and retribution is IT'S "song." Can you understand me?
So all "society" that does any "offender" incarcerate on your behalf does "attest" that in God's "face" IT does laugh as IT "rapes" you and you because you deserve it for "permitting" this darkness to flow through.
It is the time to all teach "how" dark thoughts do minds "breach" and the ignorants use.  Only this way will you individually be set free from suffering as you heed me.
On reaching the end of this document go to my "Restoration document" and as you its "contents" absorb will your minds of ignorance be set free.  Do not "complain" if you are "raped" or assaulted in any way.  It is "just" dues for your own folly on a past day.  Yes, be you a female or male aged but 3 or 33 or 93, your spirit within the flesh is an "adult" soul incarnated for me to set you free.
What all must try and see is that all who support any "punitive" system incur a "further" karmic "pain" debt.  Thus does "man" and wo-man "wombed" man more and more "fret." All punitive control of "errants" is "offensive" in God's eyes carried out by ignorants unwise and is also the cause of you accruing more dark spiritual debt.
Be you a 'hu-man' thus "humble" and inspired by the light above or 'in-human' and mentally "driven" from the subterranean world below, you all need to know that all are subjects of God and thus subject to God's ONE Law - As you do is done unto you - God does not "permit" innocents to be ab-used.  (Abominably)
And thus it 'follows' that when you 'cry' out: "I am a victim of assault or assault by rape" you are actually telling the world: "Look at my folly for what you see is the "trauma" I did impose upon others during my past when I was vain and thus full of insanity." Wake up from your 'dreams' now and "follow me."
Testament 157
~ Celibacy ~
“Celibacy a gift from God” he says! What rubbish say I.  To what good earthly "end" would God a mind so "bend" to the extent it needs "sexless" be before it can set other souls "free" in the act of "Communion." That to me means a "UNION."
And even the "communion" is distorted, by ministers minds is it thwarted, for the "Act of Communion” in God's eyes IS :
The UNION between man and God's WORD. 
The "communion" is the "Have you heard what God through Jesus did teach, that Jesus on earth did preach.” ? So "IF" you have "communed" with God you have "eaten" of God's WISDOM as you plod.
You have heard that you needs peaceful be, BEFORE God sets you free.  Thus the "Celibate" bit onto the "ACT" you needs sit, meaning, be celibate to the WORD for those who "deviate" fall to the sword.  'Tis thus the “Act of Celibacy” means :
“Merciful and forgiving ONLY be.”
I hope some Ministers this see before they destroyed be, for they have tried to "prove" that loving feelings can them not "move," and they have been proved wrong because sexual feelings are strong.  Yes, they ARE a part of God, God "hears" and His head does nod, saying:
“Any who My feelings deny will for sure fail before they try.”
So my COMPASSIONATE friends, help me help God make amends by spreading God's now FINAL WORD to all the ministerial ignorant who have NOT HEARD. 
Testament 158
~ Women of the street ~
And what of the WOMEN of the street* who with open arms their brothers do greet.  What does God think of their way,* what does God think of their say.*
“Thank you, thank you for the time that with needy men you do entwine, for they'd be lost and fall below if their seed they could not sow.
Thank you, thank you for the time you do share my light divine, when your counsel did flow free, when you counselled men needy.  For many wanted just to speak and be spoken to by a heart meek, and a meek heart is hard to find, yes sometimes even a heart kind.
So you women of the night, who shone a lamp, shining bright, thank you for the time of day you helped needy brothers who came your way.
I now release thee from the stigma placed upon thee by men of the "cloth" who as all see, are dowdy like a moth.  The only "wrong" done your way was at times the demand of your pay, that at times was so great, that a needy soul would "lose" a "mate."
So if from greed you are free, then the light does bless thee for helping with many a hand, for release within that God so planned, and as you on your way now go, let more loving light flow rather than the vindictive "Sin" that flows violently through many a "bin."
Mother - Father.

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