Re: AppleScript and Game Development

I am not 100% sure that this supports mac, but I am almost certain that it does.  Accessible_output2 is your friend:
You'll need mercurial to pull it down- the mercurial command should be:
hg clone
I don't have an example of using it at the moment, but it can be done in about 3 lines of setup, and one line per thing to say.  Also, you can pass it arbitrary python objects, like lists, and generally use it in the same manner as print.  If you can't figure it out, I can probably dig up some of my old sample code.
Your options for a window/input are Pygame (haven't used it, quite large but supposedly good), Pysdl2 (there may be a bug buried down in there-I need to go find it and figure out why the system menu freezes the app I wrote using it), Wx (comes with some controls, quite large and not aimed at game development, but your only real option for accessible cross-platform GUIs).
For collisions, you can write the standard box check in about 10 lines, 4 if you're feeling particularly evilly cryptic, and possibly less if you're feeling particularly evilly cryptic, represent them as a list of four numbers (x1, y1, x2, y2) and know about itertools.
For even more collision detection, if you can wrap your head around ODE that's probably your best bet.  Spheres with ODE are easy, as are boxes, and it knows how to do sphere-box collision.  Interestingly, it also supports rays, cylinders capped cylinders, and a bunch of other stuff, but save yourself a great deal of headaches and stop at sphere, box, and ray.
I have heard good things  about Box2d and it appears to have Python bindings.  I have not used it.  It removes the complexity of 3 dimensions and 3-dimensional transformation, and may thus be better for you for that reason.
Both can run your world, if you're willing to talk about things in terms of forces instead of position.  This requires a bit of know-how and may or may not be worth it.  I don't know if Box2d can be used for collisions only.  For the most part, unless you want or need their extra capabilities, you can stop at the self-written bounding box check.
Both Pygame and Pysdl2 do sound.  Pygame is probably easier.  I am going to shamelessly self-plug and say that I am now releasing builds of camlorn_audio, but that's windows only for the moment (but definitely not forever, once I bother to rewrite the build system).  The disadvantage of Camlorn_audio is that it uses something pretty far from the standard pan functions; you talk about the world in terms of the world, not in terms of the player.  Hence, I need to write tutorials.


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