Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Since there's a really good relic draw going on right now and some of you are getting close to needing new relics, here's a guide to getting new equipment.

First, from the home screen, press either the lower right hand corner of the screen for the relics tab, or the banner at the very top edge in the middle. Both will take you to the relic draws screen.

From here, you'll see a lot of cached images and dates. This screen is arranged with the most recent relic draw first, and the stable relic draws that don't close closest to the relic draw heading you can see with VoiceOver. 1 flick back from the heading is the daily free draw. Most of the time you only get a 1 or 3 star relic from this, so I don't bother. You have something like a .01 percent chance of drawing a good relic, that is 5 star or above.

1 flick left from the common, or free, relic draw is the full throttle relic draw if you haven't purchased it. This is a 1 time draw that you pay for with gems, aka real money, and get to pick a set of bonus relics after the draw.

To the left of that are the realm draws. This lets you draw relics from all 17 common realms, that is, FFI to FFXV, Ff Tactics, and FF Type Zero. When you activate the image you'll be in a set of 17 cached images. You'll know which realm you're in because the music will change to a track from that game.

The draws to the left of that are usually the limited time ones. You need to activate the cached image before the dates, and again the music will change to a track from whatever game is being hosted.

Currently there's another type of realm draw going on. It's a countdown to the anniversary, with another realm being released every 24 hours. You get to draw 3 relics with at least 1 5 star or higher guaranteed. These are the relics that unlock powerful soul breaks that you will need to defeat high level content.

Most relic draws cost 50 mythril for 11 draws. This is the best deal since you're guaranteed at least one 5 star, sometimes a 6 star or higher. The normal realm draws let you pay 15 mythril for 11 draws the first time. Some relics are gems ony, and some are half off, that is, 25 mythril.

Once you're on the relic screen you want, you need to turm off VO. Usually if there's a deal of some kind, the draw button you want is either on the middle right edge of the screen, or near the bottom right hand corner. Once you select a button you can turn VO back on and check what happened. If it worked right, you will see a heading that asks you to confirm whether you want to perform this draw. If not, you're probably in the relics list, the help section or the mechanics section. For most things you can hit the back button in the lower left corner and try again. If you end up in the rarity help, you can either flick to the close button, or turn off VO and tap near the bottom middle of the screen.

You can skip any part of the animation as desired by tapping anywhere on the screen. This will skip to the next relic. You can tell if you've gotten a good relic because there will be a sort of victory music, and a slightly longer one for a 6 star relic.

Once the draw finishes, you'll be on a screen that tells you what you drew. The game picks one relic to display  the soul break from. Anything that looks like  a long string of numbers you can activate with VO and a pop-up will appear with detailed info on that relic. The cached images are for 4 star or lower relics, which usually end up being upgrade material for more powerful relics.

Hope this helps you guys get some better gear. And keep in mind, you'll want to use characters that you draw relics for, even over prefered or favorite characters. Enjoy.

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