Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So I realize at this point I'm just keeping the thread alive in hopes that some players will come back. If any mod would prefer I stop, I will do so and just work on the guide.

However, I wanted to announce a very helpful accessibility improvement that the community has helped put together.

In FFRK, there is a dungeon type called record dungeons. These have you using a preset party of characters and playing through a modified version of the stories of the FF games. This means a form of map exploration. I was able to complete them by literally scrolling and tapping around randomly, but it takes a long time to do.

I asked on the FF Record Keeper subreddit if any community members would be willing to help put together guides to help blind players solve these dungeons. The reaction was awesome. We now have a blind guides section on the FF Record Keeper subrdit wiki.

This is a work in progress, but it already has many entries from the latest chapter. I'm sure that when someone has some free time, they will be doing guides for the earlier record dungeons as well.

Here's a direct link to the wiki page: … ind_guides

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