Re: preserving the BMMV TV shows

  @bollemanneke, Thank you, however could I please ask you to get the list to me again? the laptop I had it on seem to die on me every few months. ug.

Ethin, no need to jump down bollemanneke's throat like that, So far things have been civil and lets keep it that way.
SLJ was worning or cautioning, and we took it as such, I don't see anything that bollemanneke said that could said to have been riding SLJ, all he did was make a comment about the EU is all, just a slight misunderstanding, I am sure here. big_smile
As to corporations, I'd say its a combination of those 2 things.
SSL is something I'll look into, but to be perfectly honest with you, not very high on my list of things to be done, content first, everything else later. Not saying no here, but I'll get to it in time. smile

and If people can,  I ask you to just get what you want to actually listen to, and try and not download the whole server in one go.

@dan_c, I am sure there's a way to rip blueray's, but sinse I haven't owned one ever, someone else here hopefully would be able to help you out better.
But I think I have that movie and I'll get it on the vault soon. smile
Hope you all are having fun and have your headphones on,

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