Re: Mortal Kombat 11

@hadi, long combos don't bother me. I play Tekken and KI. lol What bothers me is, as can be seen in the article posted, how much gimic and padding is in this game... if I didn't know this was MK I would think of it as an RPG. Do I love MK? Well, yes, when it wasn't trying to be both an rpg or emulate a super hero game fighting game. Say what you want about SFV and its lack of singleplayer content, yes it was horrible. But now that it has the content, people love it because it's first and foremost a great fighting game. Same with Soul Calibur. Singleplayer content is a nice extra, but if I had to pick between a game with tons of content and gimics but average gameplay or a game with lacklustre content but a fun fighting system, I would go with the second. But I know that I'm by and far the minority in this game. MK's amount of singleplayer stuf turns me off ore than anything, because if you just turn all your focus to the underlying mechanics, it doesn't have enough there to keep me coming back. Again, I'm the minority... but I still want to at least try this game. Soul Calibur and street Fighter are two games that I find very hard to put down. But again, I realize that my stance on fighting games is a very rare one on this forum. I still love SF V, because its netcode at least on ps4 where I play is great, and I can play matches with very few issues. SC is also the same. And I'd be willing to bet money that most people here will not touch Samurai Shodown because it probably won't have a mountain of singleplayer content. lol

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