Re: Mortal Kombat 11

I actually care lots about online... I already said that. lol That's why singleplayer content or lack there of bothers me. And yes, I know the series I mentioned have flaws. But I would rather have a product that is shabby at launch and then improved upon, rather than one that is launched and then dropped after a year or two. I play matches with people all over the world on ps4 and have no issues. Online, versus and arcade modes are where it's at for me. Extra modes are fun too, though. And I'm not an M fan anymore. The series just doesn't grab me anymore... MK 9 was the last one I enjoyed because it had all the things that made MK what it was when it was at the height of its popularity back in the 90s. MK x and 11 feel like superhero games, as I said. Still, I'll play it whenever I get the chance... but again, as Blind Ninja said, who wants so much rpg-like extras in a fighting game? I wish I could be an MK fan again, but there are just so many other good series that have interesting characters and deep gameplay without needing to resort to adding things like gear and stat buffs / nerfs.

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