Re: Accessible Sound Design by Ebon Sky Studios - Second Lesson Up

@204 Ok, I adjusted EQ, and took the splits out. I think though that maybe something got mislabeled when you brought the project in.
It looks like tracks 5 and 6 had the popping problem, which I took care of by reimporting the media and letting it fade on it's own as you suggested.
I played around with muting/volume on 2 and 3, as well as 4 and 5, but it didn't really work, perhaps I misunderstood what you were getting at.
As an experiment, I resplit 4 and 5 after reimporting, and the same popping problem came back up at that split. Why would this be? I've done many other splits with no issues before. I'd like to know how to avoid this if possible later on.
Also, to widen the feel, I built a Haas effect using a slight time offset between tracks on tracks 3 and 4 together, as well as tracks 5 and 6. Do you feel this is effective, or should I have saved the time and gone with a simple delay/reverb?
The feeling I wanted with this was an initial cast that causes a fireball to be formed above the caster's head, then flies from above and away to the unfortunate target, where it then explodes, leaving us to listen to the remnants crackling.
Kind of a WOOSH, swoosh, BANG, burn out feel... Hope that makes some modicum of sense.
Thanks again Brian.
Here is the revised version: …

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