Re: Accessible Sound Design by Ebon Sky Studios - Second Lesson Up

For fade in and out to work like you'd expect, the item needs to be selected first. You then position the cursor at a point where you want the fade out to start, or the fade in to end, then hit the keystroke. There is another way to do fades if you don't want to do it that way, or that way makes no sense to you. You can select the item and hit shift F2, you see two boxes for fade in and out, along with curve shapes. The time for each is the length of the fade itself, and the button lets you select a curve shape.

Next, going into it, shift S doesn't *just* select an item, it selects and splits, that's how you ended up with 3 or 4 items. If you merely want to select an item, there are generally two ways to go about it. Control left and right navigates you along the items, deselecting the one that you were on, if any, and selecting the next one. SO, you could use that method, which is more common. The second one actually consists of making sure the edit cursor is within the item, then hitting shift A, which selects it, and only selects it, performing no other action. Shift S is more useful when you have a time selection, because it makes a split at either end. If you wish to make only one split, hit A, which is a custom osara action, it first selects, then splits the item at the point of your edit cursor.

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