Re: accessible usenetclient

These days I use:
because they're the only service I could find with a web interface that allows reading and posting to text groups, and isn't just a glorified naked lady search engine.  Please do not! use giganews or easynews under any circumstances. By default, they don't even allow posting by new, fully paid accounts, and you have to email them if you want to be allowed to post.  So it's pretty clear that they're just a hub for piracy. Those two providers have managed to do more to destroy usenet than AOL and spammers combined.  While I don't support the MPAA/RIAA, or strict copyright laws, I would happily donate money to see the owners of those services given life+50 years in lockup.  Maybe then we could finally kill all of the alt.binary groups, bring back the glory days of Usenet, and make the people who just want to swap files use bit torrent, a prot ocol that was designed for that.


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