Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

I agree with Cae jones here. Lets be honest, if they had refused to provide wheel chair access to their physical restaurants, people would justifiably be up in arms, and its not as is such if web or ap accessibility is such a big deal these days, especially for a company who, as Cae said spend such a lot of development time tweaking their interface and inserting self promotional crap.

Generally I've noticed the larger the company, the less willing they are to provide accessibility, so while I'm not too keen on the hole "lets sue everybody" ethos, and while I'd always be in favour of making reasonable accommodations," access wise (as I said in my Phd thesis), in this case Dominoes should definitely be taken to task.

oh, and btw, in Britain at least, Dominoes are so unreasonably priced that unless! you get an offer, your basically talking stupid amounts of money, EG about £14 for a small pizza, that's roughly 18 dollars. If you get an offer, they actually become about the same price as every other pizza place everywhere, which sort of makes the hole offer thing a bit pointless big_smile.

I remember being in London a few years ago, having just finished a day's very hard vocal workshop and seriously in need of ordering some food to the hotel. I called dominoes (the only option at the time), wanting a medium (Ie 10 or 11 inch pizza), a side of wedges and a drink.
Not only did the hole lot cost me £25, that's thirty one dollars (though would've been  more back then), but the guy on the phone told me I could get it for two quid cheaper if I ordered two pizzas! which considering I was sitting in a room in a very nice hotel was definitely out.

And we wonder why so many people in the world are suffering from obesity?

I also personally find their stuff so processed it tastes positively artificial, since I'd personally prefer my meat, cheese spices etc on a pizza to taste of meat, cheese and spices, not of sugar and random chemicals big_smile.

Oh, and I'm with Simba on the thin Itallian style crusts too, though I confess I like a good Calzone  on occasion as well.

I used to be a fan of pappa jons better both in terms  of flavour, and in terms of price, and indeed my lady and I have ordered from their website which is quite accessible, though recently they're prices are going the same way as Dominoes, the other day we each ordered a Pizza, her a small, mine a medium, with a side order to go with it, the hole lot cost £42, that's 52 dollars! no drinks, no deserts, just a small and medium pizza and two side orders.
I used a %50 offer to get it for $£21.

The irony, is that we only went to Pappa Johns because our nice local place Grilliano was closed for the weak, and had we gone to Grilliano, we could've got the same thing, a small and medium pizza each, with side orders, plus a drink and some of their nice fudge cake for me, for the same price, and that assuming they don't just randomly throw in the drink for free as they often do because we're good customers big_smile.

Oh, and their food is also fresh, not processed and extremely nice as well, they do a very awesome calzoni, and even a seafood \Pizza with Tuna and Prawns that my lady is very partial too.

Now I'm making myself hungry big_smile.

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