Re: Giving Haypy monster a try

Okay, I'll try that.

What was confusing me is that I got the monster name (which clicking on brought up it's info page), then the unlabled button, then a button called pethouse or something like that which could be selected or deselected, but  selecting that button didn't seem to do anything unless it is for performing  functions on some monsters such as a group heal or group delete, but as the only option I had was delete I didn't want to try that.

Edit: okay, I  had an hour and a half on the train this afternoon and spent it having a poke around the game and interface.

I  believe I now see the issue with the monster select. I tis actually quite logical, monster name and stats selecting the monster, and the "pet add" button either being enabled for free slots or disabled for full ones, however for some weerd reason draco is perminantly stuck in my first slot. I  can change out the second monster fine, but I just can't get draco out of the first slot at all, if I attempt to change draco, it changes the second monster instead, just as if I'd hit that monster's button.

I've noticed an "unlock" or "unloc 2" button in  the monster profiles, I'm not sure if this is a slot fix option or not though it doesn't work the same way for the second monster.

On the plus side I am getting the inventory a bit more. The train button was a little loopy sinse there were lots of buttons labled " Mailest" and  which i believe  refer to the  nests,   with numbers  after them, however the training option in the "town help icon" button (which seems to be some sort of pvp option), has an utterly different interface and gives the levels of paid  vip status needed for the game which is odd.

I am also a little confused about the "leaves lock"  buttons I keep seeing, som e on the jungle select screen, some on the monsters page, sinse I'm not sure if these related to locked levels,  captured monsters or what.

On the plus side however I get the inventory system and have at least had a poke at several shops and other town options, and  that end does seem relatively straight forward.

While tunnels  annoyingly got in the way of my   connection to the net, I  fight a couple of battles and I think I'm getting how the interface works.

What was confusing me in terms of seal cards was that you can either have the fighting interface or! the seal interface up at either time. The fighting gives the  technique buttons with names, however the sealing give percentage   chances which   correspond to seal card items, either paid or unpaid depending upon the chances involved as you said. It also deos help because the seal interface  tells you the name of the target even if vo&nb sp; misses saying it when it appears which is likely   easier in catching monsters.

the  one thing I am looking for at the moment is some sort of general manual or basic mechanics and activities, sinse the tutorial was a little none  specific particularly with how it very much only gave you one button to press for each step of the way meaning you got no idea of the interface at all sinse vo couldn't interact with anything.  I presume there is one somewhere but all the icon helper buttons seem to lead to  random other parts of the game, which is a little confusing.

I think a  basic knolidge of the  game and what things are supposed! to do might help make a bit more sense of the   more incomprehensible lables on buttons. The ones (as with the inventory), which as you said work via label near the button are  fine sinse you can ignore the buttons, however others such as  the training screen and some information on the zone intro screen is less clear.


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