Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

So, a long overdue update. I have been doing a lot of unproductive thrashing of late. My problem right now is that I keep changing direction.
I started Six Thieves, but no one seemed that enthusiastic. Then I found an open source version of Traveller, and started doing Star Trade. But I also worked out that I could do telnet interfaces, and that would be a good way to broaden participation. Star Lanes would benefit the most from that, since it is inherently multi-player. But it is on an old code base, so I started porting that. Then I got distracted trying to get my latest novel finished and out the door.
But, now, I'm kind of gravitating towards another idea. I've tried to port my location editor for Six Swords to an audio or simple-web interface. I really want to put content creation into the player's hands. Especially blind players. You guys are audio natives! But the voice recognition of the platform just isn't good enough for location dictation. But it just clicked with me that a telnet based editor would avoid the problems voice transcription.
I do kind of feel that I'm mostly going in circle and not really achieving much. So I'm giving you a long explanation here to solicit your input. What do you think?

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