Re: The problem of choosing the first programming language

Hi there,
I won't answer this directly because as Ethin said it's very subjective.
I just wanted to note on the list of languages suitable for AI development, that while yes, all of them can be potentially used, there is a big difference between Python and C++ & Java. Python is very powerful for scipy - packages like numpy, sympy, IPython etc. but also for its dynamic syntax, which provides many benefits like a possibility to iterate a list backward by minus sign i.e. list[-2], or the way, how it doesn't require input to functions be exactly specified, so you can pipe in whatever won't crash and get good & immediate results.
These two properties of Python combined are really awesome, making it possible to do magical things with data and computations at really no time.
That's why Python became so popular in scientific community and why will statically typed languages never reach its power in this area.
Yes, you can develop neural networks in Java and with some struggling I believe also in C++. But still, these two sides are so different, completely different worlds & development experiences, that I personally would be very careful about writing them in one row.

Also what comes as an advantage of Python on AI field, is one of its main disadvantages on field of developing real applications. Yes, it's great that you can perform magic with neural networks, however those are normally just few lines of code, where it's primarily important what techniques do you use and how, so it isn't very probable that you would make a mistake on such a small program, if you are not me of course. smile
However when you're making a real application, the code tends to be larger and thus it's more profitable to go slower with compiler looking on your mistakes and announcing them to you, than developing blazingly fast an application, which will be full of mistakes, because wrong types went on wrong places etc.

So you see, a feature, which is an unvaluable tool to have for one thing, is a major problem for other thing. Your interests are simply too broad to be covered with one language, or better said to have an ideal tool for each of them.

I would myself say, if you want to make multiplatform native applications, go for C#. if you want to play with AI & machinelearning, go for Python. If you want to play with robots, go for C++.
There is no single answer for all of them, and even those I recommended could be still surpassed by your personal preference i.e. how do you like the language.

Best regards


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