Re: girls and adolt women

Greetings tward and themadviolinist.

If either or both of you decide to write books about this, I'll definitely buy them. Not knowing the difference between love and infatuation has given me grief these past years. Whoever said ignorance is bliss and whoever confuses innocence for ignorance and ignorance for innocence are crazy! I know what you said about adults in our lives not knowing how to explain themselves properly is true and I'm trying not to blame them because it isn't fair to do so. However, feeling anger for so long does leave a long lasting impression on the psyche. I do feel a slight resentment but I'm working on it. While I no longer desire to jump down everybody's throats, I still want to shout 'listen to reason; be logical and we have feelings to.' I guess I'll just have to take it one day at a time. Letting go of anything is hard; even if it's bad for us like bitterness. They say that forgiveness is divine but for giveness and apologies don't come easily to me. Having said that, I find it easier to forgive another because they're not me. However through meditation, I realize had I acted any other way I wouldn't have been able to grow. Everyone deserves chances to improve. Now that I'm at peace with myself I must now learn how not to judge others too harshly for perceived or actual character flaws. Judge not lest yee be judged but it's human nature to judge. If I don't judge, how can I know whether I'm in danger or not? As for love, let's see what happens in a few years. Maybe this time I'll get lucky. Anyway thanks to you both.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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