Re: girls and adolt women

I've seen a lot of posts here with people saying they don't know what love is or what the difference between love and infatuation is. I think the easiest way to explain it is to begin by dispelling a few myths.

The first is that love is often described as an emotion. Although, love can and often times does produce strong emotions I like to think of love as being much more than the sum total of one's emotions happiness, attraction, etc. True love is compassion  for another person not passion. Its putting someone else's wants, needs, desires before your own. Its doing things for another person because you truly want to not because you have to. In short, love is selfless not selfish.

To give you an example compassion, true love, is doing a selfless act out of the goodness of your heart for another person. Let's say a neighbor's house burns down and they lose everything. You go out buy a bunch of clothes and other basic supplies you think they will need, and then give that to them. That is an act of compassion, an act of kindness, that is true love for your fellow humans that has nothing to do with being attracted to them physically or especially produces strong emotions. Yet, I would describe that as true love.

In a romantic relationship a similar principle applies. Let's assume your girlfriends car breaks down, she can't afford to fix it, and you offer to give her the money to fix it not expecting anything in return. If you are willing to give away the money to fix the car without expecting her to repay the money or do something in return than that is true love. Its a selfless gesture that puts her interests and needs ahead of your own.

Infatuation is most definitely an emotional response. You see a pretty girl/woman, hear her voice, touch her and are emotionally and sexually attracted to her. You sit around for hours day dreaming about her, imagine yourself kissing and touching her, and when you hear a song on the radio it makes you think of that girl. That's infatuation, not true love, and is what I call pure passion. Its often very selfish because you will say anything and do anything to have her want to be with you all to satisfy your emotional and physical needs. Its putting your emotional needs, wants, desires before those of the person you are infatuated with.

To give you an example an infatuated person might offer to give his girlfriend money to fix her car, but in the back of his mind he is doing so in the hopes she will like him more or will be willing to go to bed with him. Its doing a kind gesture for purely selfish reasons weather they are clearly stated or not. All he really cares about is having his emotional and physical desires satisfied not weather or not his girlfriend really needs the help and support.

I guess what I am saying true love is a selfless desire to perform kindness and generosity out of a genuine concern for t he well being of someone else.
Were infatuation is always first and foremost a self serving emotional attraction to someone else that attempts to satisfy emotional and physical needs without a genuine concern for the other person.


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