Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

Nah, I'm not. It does get Element Assault, Spirit Force and Frenzied Rage, but it looks like its attack is serviceable at best, and its special defense is only average. Its speed isn't bad, but its HP is not good. I mean sure, mine doesn't have the best stats (I just caught it wild, didn't breed it), but this one looks like it might be a bust unless it gets good later.
That said, it apparently takes less damage from ghost attacks. I wish I knew how -much less damage. Like is it 5%, or something small since Aaron is afraid of power creep? Or is it like a 50% resist to ghost? Because as a pure ghost type, this thing could use such a boost.

I'm at a point where I've tried almost everything new worth trying now. And at this point I can confidently say that most things aren't busted outright, but unfortunately, there are large problems with most mons I've tried. As a short list that illustrates the point:
Poisons are hosed once again; some of them have nice secondary coverage, but the type is just not well represented, stat-wise; we need, like, a poison-undead type to really screw with people
A frail flame-poison type gets moves that largely have accuracy penalties; please, please don't make it so that I live or die by things I can't control, that's just awful
Reflorin needs more to do than just use magic moves; this is probably the worst one-trick pony I've seen, but then I haven't got a lot of experience with Flarebra's line yet because it looks extremely boring
Sheepit gets new earth moves! Yay! But guess what, folks? They're special (Mud Blast and Land Power). And Quake still has an accuracy penalty. So, uh, what is a poor sheep to do? Hide in a box, I suppose, because it doesn't even get Quake. This is one that I really had high hopes for, but nope. Same ability (although it's a little better now), slightly improved moves, but those moves run off its worst stat.
Bayowoof still can't kill ghosts, as far as I can see.
Sponginate and Javoltrik...remind me why we needed an evolution for a very good manamon into a...slightly better one, and remind me why a meh manamon which has too many weaknesses for competitive play got an evolution that did nothing for it except bump its stats a little across the board? Seriously, playing Javoltrik is exactly like playing Donnammer.
We apparently needed a baby Rhinodyo. To be fair, I haven't tried Rhinodyo out yet, and if it gets some good sound moves, we may be onto something. But the high-level ones I see seem to be using Berserk Call, Power Kick, Mud Ball, know, the same moves that Odin's Rhinodyo had in the first manamon game? Pro-tip: pokemon tried adding baby forms; it largely didn't work for them. Nobody cares about Igglybuff, Azuril, Pichu (unless you think it's cute), Mime JR. and Happiny. I would much rather have seen a couple of different evolutions. One for Myaneko, maybe? One for Redonkeus? One for Bombusect, even? Hell, that would've been fun. You did do right by Sluggugg, at least, so points for that.
Accuracy penalties are still the rage, albeit less egregiously than they used to be. Please consider further tweaking here. I don't want to live or die by stuff I can't control. Super-strong moves like Flame Blizzard and Ice Tempest...fine, give them accuracy penalties. But the overdrives don't need them. Night Stick doesn't need it. Frigid Touch doesn't need it. Ditto Quake, Rage Bug, Frenzied Rage, Batter Branch, Charge of Fury, Magic Wave, Magic Lights, Subliminal Radio Wave, Power Kick (seriously, fighting is bad enough already, don't make it worse), Toxic Tail, Steel Horn. These are just the obvious culprits. I'm sure I could find more.

And yeah. I could go on for awhile but I trust I've proven my point. This is still a solid step forward from the first game, but why stop here?

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