Re: Alter Aeon: a credit lottery started by the night people

It will be necessary to disclose a bit of information before going any further on our end.  When you do something of this nature it is hard to determine what someone's response is going to be. All you can do is, particularly if you are attempting to do it with good intentions is to go forward as carefully and with as much transparency as possible.  When we first considered this idea we knew only that we wanted to get as much of the AA team involved as possible, if at all possible.  As such, we did our best to contact Dentin on multiple occasions throughout the last week.  It was our belief he had not responded owing to real life events; perhaps he was with family on the holidays.  We went ahead with our plans, thinking that the worst that might happen would be that Dentin would say he would not back us in any way, at which point we ourselves would probably have scrapped it all together, as it really wouldn't have made any sense to continue if there were no one in place who could have held us accountable.
Moments after the message was posted on board 7 concerning the lottery Morpheus sent at least one message over gosip as it had, obviously, generated his interest.  Through tells he commmunicated that he didn't believe there was anything wrong with the contest, but advised us to get in touch with Dentin for his support.  We assured him that we had but would continue trying to do so.  A message was sent to the bovine channel last night where most of the AA staff seems to hang out, kindly asking that if anyone knew where Dentin was that he please be notified that he had mudmail from us waiting for him.  Today, we received the following mudmail from Shadowfax.
I have removed your message from board 7 regarding the credit lottery
for violating rules 4.6 and 4.7. Do not repost it or attempt to
otherwise advertise any such lottery again.
4.6  - Thou shalt not run financial scams
This includes any kind of scam where a player asks other players for
loans of money, gold, or credits in-game with a promise to pay it back
with interest in a short time period.
Dentin does not screw around with money.  If you run financial scams,
you will be removed from the game and your account may be auctioned to
try to recover the debt.
4.7  - Thou shalt not beg for credits, gold, or money
Panhandling might not be illegal in the real world, but it is here on
Alter Aeon.  If you aggressively panhandle, you will be aggressively
removed from the game and have all your stuff auctioned off.
IN addition, our post on board 7 was deleted and the following put in its place:
Please do not use this board to solicit real life money for any purpose.
Not only can it be annoying, it can get us in trouble for legal reasons.
And so, it is for all of the above that we must discontinue our lottery and offer our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience our posting it on this forum, on AA or elsewhere may have resulted in.  We can honestly say that we weren't trying to scam anyone out of anything, and that this had never been our intention.  to further illustrate this, we must point out that the majority of the money in question would have, in fact, gone to AA itself, which is why we didn't interpret the above mentioned rules as such and find it surprising that they were taken as they were.  Furthermore, it was our hope to receive Dentin's support in full so that we could then broaden our horizons, posting it on any social media platforms where gaming groups might converse and exchange information so as to bring AA to more people's attention who might not altogether no about it, possibly resulting in more financial success for it.
In closure, I'd like to offer my thanks to Jayde here on the forum for his support in favor of what we were doing and his willingness to give us the benefit of a doubt.  If there's anything this experience has allowed me to rediscover, however, it's that we, each and every single one of us, cannot expect the same from everyone else and probably shouldn't, but that there is no sense in hurting about it when you don't get it, particularly if you meant wel to begin with.  I'd also like to thank anyone else who might have read this topic and had their reason, good or bad, for believing we might be up to something malicious but who held off on any public judgment.  Thank you all for your attention, time and patience.  IT is appreciated more than words will ever be able to convey.

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