Re: Teens Are Not too Young for Depression

I am stunned at the negativity in this topic from the second reply onward.
I am so sorry that you have suffered depression so young.
I knew it only from my Psychology textbooks as a college student. I began to deal with it after a head injury when I was close to age forty.
To have to endure something so terrible at such a young age with so little life experience to fall back on is awful, but you are strong, and you are here for a purpose.
Speaking out about depression is brave!
Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
To the person who said everyone suffers tragedy, that is not the same as depression.
Tragedy causes grief, which is a normal response to loss.
Depression is a feeling of despair, coming from nowhere.
It flattens you.
It makes you believe that everything about yourself is of no substance, even if you know better in your head.
It is a horrible thing to go through, and if it is something you have not experienced, pray prayers of gratitude for that!
Meanwhile, when you see someone speaking out about a topic that is so hard to talk about, either empathize, learn, or don't say anything at all!
There is no cause to mock someone for starting a topic that may help others.
Preteens and teens suffer a lot of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other things.
As someone who is 45 and was blessed not to have had to deal with anything like that as a young person, I would encourage those of you who are hurting with the following.
Please reach out.
If somebody tells you you're seeking attention, continue to reach out.
There are so many people in this world who want to help you, and if you keep speaking up, they will.
Most of all, don't give up, no matter how difficult things may seem.
Life is a series of ups and downs, and when you're in the midst of depression, you can't see that things will get better.
But they will.

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