Re: Linux and Orca

Ambro, yes, with LibreOffice you should be able to make notes and a summary in Writer. Not sure why it is not working on your live CD, but it sounds like your accessibility flags aren't set correctly as LibreOffice 4.x is very accessible with Orca, and I know Vinux comes with a fairly up to date version of Orca.

Wanderer, which version of Firefox are you running? I have found from personal experimentation that Firefox 24 is currently the best version for accessibility. The later versions such as version 25 and up all have accessibility issues which is why I refuse to upgrade until Mozilla gets their head out of their backsides and fix the stuff they broke. Web accessibility with Firefox right now seems to be a matter of getting the right version of Orca and the right version of Firefox to get a decent experience.

Ambro, the reason you are getting links in a single line in Firefox is because that is the way it is actually displayed when a sighted person reads the screen. With screen readers like Jaws they load the screen into a buffer and reformats the links and stuff which means the presentation is altogether different from the way it looks visually. When the Orca developers etc were working on how to display links and text the Linux community chose to represent the information as close as possible to what a sighted person sees rather than reformatting everything the way Jaws does.

Regarding the Launcher understand Unity and Gnome are two different desktops and not only do they look different they have different components. Gnome 3.x does not have a Launcher so when you press alt+f1 you are taken to the activities overview where you have to then alt+control+tab to the area of the screen you want. You aren't just dropped in a menu like the Launcher on Unity. There is a list of hot keys on the Gnome Live wiki which I think will help you because Gnome 3.10 is a fairly complex desktop if you don't know all the hot keys to get around to the various panels and menus. I can't seem to find the page I am looking for on Gnome Live, but here is a basic overview of the hot keys for Gnome shell on the Gnome Help site. … ts.html.en


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