Re: a website with audio described movies.

When I read posts like 39 I get a little uncomfortable, not because I'm not capable of following the rules... I've clearly shown I can as I've never received a moderation warning or worse.  In fact, I've been a moderator, so I know the general idea here.
But to proclaim that the mods, not the community, have the word that matters most in the community when a community exists for its members... All, of its members, then I do take issue.  As it stands, I also realize that this site and all of its content are a privilege, not a right.  So while I once again disagree with the way 39 was phrased and even put forth, I have to do my best to try and look at the big picture as a whole, which is not easy for me to do.  Please pay attention to the first line of post 39 and take it to heart, as it goes along with what little I know about Jayde and is entirely consistent with who he is. And I'll quote for anyone who doesn't want to scroll back up, "I really hate that I'm having to say this."  Unquote.
As a mod I had many experiences I hated, but the one I hated most and which brought me no end of grief was one where I banned someone who managed to get their hands on a bunch of scripts and made their own version of a game based on said scripts.  I'm not going to go in to specifics beyond that accept to say that my original thought was, "So somebody got a database and pulled it together and wants to show it off.  So what?  Why am I banning him?"
The answer?  Because rules!  Because there's rules that say I must!  Because there's rules that he's breaking and I have to uphold them!  Because that's what I was given the responsibility to do!  While I came at it from a different angle in post 30, I like what at 33 says.  Stuff shouldn't cost money; we made it that way.  That's always been my big beaf with corporations, that the big guys at the top really end up with the proffit by exploiting the labor of the little guys at the bottom.  Do you really believe your favorite artist is actually getting it equall in comparison to the company he or she works for?  If they're a vocalist or pianist or other musician, do you think their work is paid in full when you compare it to the execs at the top cutting all the deals and the lawyers who write the contracts?
And no, that doesn't just apply to the little guy who started yesterday.  Ever heard of Mariah Carey?  If you have you know she's been around for awhile and had massive success.  did you also know her record label screwed her out of 80million dollars because she got sick?  No, she probably won't hurt for those 80 million, but that's not the point.  The point is quite simply that as long as someone exists at the top who's raking in more cash and who has a secure position in that respect over you they will always have the final word, and as long as cash exists to enable that practice that will always be the case.
But all of this crap goes right out the window when we become mods on ag net.  Why?  Because rules say so!  Me personally?  I'd rather everyone had games to play!  I'd rather those games be free!  If I had multi-millions I'd come back here and give away the titles the way I purchased AHC for 5 people, then got 15 other copies thanks to the rest of the community.  I don't want money.  I don't need money.  I need my family's needs to be met.  I need them clothed, fed, sheltered.  I hate money, but it's the only way at present to make a living, and that goes for everyone involved, gamer or developer alike.  This is the reason we must uphold.  This is the reason we must respect even if we cannot agree!  I do not agree!  I hate it!  I'm sick of it!  There are games I'm never going to get to play because there are other things I need to buy that take higher priority on my list!
My wife is seriously ill and requires medical assistance, medical assistance the state and indeed the country do not want to give her.  Of the little bit of money we make at present, some of that has to go to medical transportation; yes... We must!  Pay!  For her to go to her appointments.  I don't fault the uber or lift drivers; they're just doing their job.  I don't fault the company providing the service, really.  They're just trying to make a proffit as is our general need at present.  I blame money.
And I don't blame for not giving me every title I wish I could ever play for free.  I never have and I never will.  And if rare releases a title that is accessible as a certain reveal trailer seems to suggest they just might, I won't blame because I don't have the money to play it and ask for links to grab it up.  My circumstances are not or Rareware's fault and never have been.  I bought perfect dark, and if and or when I have the money to buy their new title if it interests me enough to do so, I will.
You may say all of these points do not apply to audio described movies and other TV content, but I believe they do.  You can say you're in an under developed country and you have my sympathy.  You can claim that your parents don't buy you stuff and you have my sympathy.  You can suggest that stuff isn't available where you live in a way that caters to a specific desire in your life and you still have my sympathy, even though want and need are not the same.  You can even go so far as to say that you feel you have the right to do something I don't altogether entirely agree with and I"ll atempt to at the very least understand why you feel that way.
But you lose it all when you start arguing for the sake of arguing.  This is what this topic is all about.  It's not a question of whether or not we have the right to this content; it's a question of whether or not it should illegally be distributed on this platform.  As neither the owners nor developers of this site we don't even have the right to visit it; it stands as a privilege and many would honestly do well to remember that.

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