Re: a website with audio described movies.

love post 24 and that right there is why the vault exists. +1, mate.
Thank you,cartertemm post 26, that filter was a bit much more on that below.
At Jade, and specially Liam (as I see him as the major one behind this trend of lableing AD tracks etc as illegal and not in a grey area in which it exists atm, as there are no clear laws for or against this sort of thing.)
I do not wish for this to become a flame war, or a shit storm, and the comment which I have written above could very well be Construeded as such, so please remain calm and take these as just my thoughts opinions, just a bit more clear edged and not valed as usual. If I am indeed wrong, I apologise in advance.
The post might also be all over the place, as I am not that good at expressing myself (for shame) XD, and due to traveling atm.

Rule 3 basicly on most normal websites would be don't share links to pirated/ illegal materials, and even then it would worn people who direct linked to stuff, and hell, if you say we can't even link to a site's homepage that might contain illegal material, I say fine. although obviously mods could go easy on this one depending on the offence, I don't like it but I accept it.
What is not acceptable though  specially in consideration   (refer post 24 on this topic), is filtering the word outright, because that is clearly going overboard  (yes, mods have now taken off the filter, cheers for that), and not allowing users to even speak up names. The Number of similar topics that have cropped up in this room alone since the ban, should tell you what sort of a need is there for such a thing, and how many are aware and unaware of AD out there.
The Audiovault has always been a community driven project, and most people that use it, helped in creating it, and insure its survival are from this community/ forum itself, so then no wonder why people wish to share it with others who ask for it or maybe are unaware of Audiodescription or  the audiovault on here, issuing wornings to users on just that is clearly not done.

At first, when you guys pushed for this copywrite change here, many including me were against a very hard/ strict stance, but still you decided  to do it anyway. again, fare enough, to a certain extent I understood, did not like it, but kept up with it.
You said, I don't like it, but we need to do this to present a clean and squeeky image, all well and good so far,
Then slowly over time, I have seen a gradual push towards not allowing names, filter which hasn't been put for anything else out there, but the obvious spam, labling everyone pirates who use such service/ no good (in not so many words) s and so on. What this comes down to is, you need to take a step back, because clearly you have moved on from doing what needs to be done to extremism.
Just in case if it is not clear, I do not ask for allowing links to be posted  We wouldn't want Liam to threaten to quit the moderation panel, after all... again.
(sorry, couldn't help myself there, Liam.)
, or a discussion thread specificly/ specially for the vault, but for reflection, allowing the blind and visually impaired users on here a right to discovery, no wornings at least when a user is creative tongue and no direct or otherwise  links are posted. Case in point,simba (+1 mate, you rock.)

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