Re: virtual world

Kamochek, while a lot of people use the word virtual to describe this or that as a type of virtual reality the truth is a lot of things often described as being virtual really are not virtual. Its just one of those catch phrases used to make things sound more high tech and possibly more realistic then they are.

Take the issue of virtual pets. I know here in the USA there are robotic dogs that one can purchase that are suppose to be a type of virtual pet. They can walk around, bark, wag their tails, be petted, etc. Although, I am sure the companies who make those robotic pets attempt to make them realistic as possible they'll never compare to the real thing because they aren't real. They lack the individual personality of a living animal, can not do many things a living animal can do. So calling them a virtual pet would be a bit of an over statement.

Another type of virtual pet is a computer simulation of a pet. Basically, there are video games one can buy for their PC where you can take care of a dog or cat by feeding it, walking it, brushing it, putting it to sleep, etc. However, in terms of realism it is even worse than the robots I mentioned above. You have no physical contact with the pet, and such a video game isn't much different then driving a racecar in a NASCAR game or flying an aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator. You are not really doing it in real life, and it is just a game. So once again virtual doesn't really apply here.

The point I want to make is that weather you have the money or not for a real pet, or you can not get one do to some other reason the so-called virtual pets are nothing like having a real pet. I have had a variety of dogs throughout my life and I can not imagine myself buying a robotic dog or one of those virtual pet games for my computer and being satisfied with that as some kind of replacement for a real dog. Especially, the video game virtual pet simulations because those can't curl up on my lap, lick me, curl up and sleep with me in bed, and probably a hundred other things I'd expect a living cat or dog to do.

As for the subject of virtual schools Dark pretty much described it. A lot of colleges and even some high school programs are now available on the internet rather than through the mail etc. You can go online and download the books, listen to lectures on their website, and e-mail your homework to someone who will grade your work. While some might call that virtual school I don't think it is virtual at all. It is not much different than the old home schooling programs where people mailed books, homework, and other things back and forth through the postal mail. One is simply working at home rather than at a school or college. So that isn't virtual in any sense of the word.

What I would personally consider virtual is something like the holodecks or holosweets on Star Trek. If you don't know what I am talking about on Star Trek Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager there is a special room called the holodeck or holosweet where crewmen can go that is suppose to render a truly virtual reality experience. It basically works by creating 3d holograms that can simulate sensations such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. While creating a realistic looking hologram is quite possible I somehow doubt that anyone could ever make one that looks, smells, sounds, tastes, and feels like the real thing. There are some things I am not certain that can be simulated with any degree of accuracy.

Take human skin for example. It has a truly unique feeling, and while people have tried to simulate it in adult toys such as virtual love dolls it isn't real enough. Even in the highest priced love dolls they use latex rubber or silicone compounds which sort of have a skin like feeling when warmed up, but do not really feel like human skin. It is just not something that can easily be replicated.

In co nclusion while many companies market their products as virtual this or virtual that they are not that realistic. For me a virtual experience is one that is as close to real as possible but not real. Very few products or services advertised as being virtual are able to make that claim in actuality. Simulating the real world is easier said than done.


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