Re: virtual world

@tom, Well I did think perhaps a little reminder was in order, though bare in mind that was not an official moderator comment, just advice, and indeed your above statement about not reading any of camochek's posts probably shows the necessity for such.

Anyway, before this derails into a discussion about discussion, I'll get back to virtual reality big_smile.

@Simber, I believe the term "virtual friend" is used to distinguish people that you knogh on forums, chatrooms, facebook, twitter etc, as opposed to friends you have in the real world.

I can see the need for a distinction here, sinse There are certainly people I considder friends who I have known entirely online and never actually met in reality. That being said the term "virtual friend" is likely just as incorrect as the term "virtual pet" especially sinse the people I a m talking to are actually real human beings (or at least I think they are, kew twilight zone music), big_smile.

A real virtual friend would need to be an android or similar faccimily of a person that I was friends with, which seems even more unlikely than a virtual pet.

Perhaps "online friend" would be a better term.

Then again the term "friend" is going through some rather disturbing connotations, for example people who claime to have a thousand friends on facebook when they have met hardly any of them, or the people who I have so called "friend requests" on the Ios game center who are people who just play the same games as me and exchange gifts in Solara etc.

This would be the point it would be nice to invent some new categorization terms for people you encounter online, especially to distinguish them from your friends in reality. It would be nice to be able to distinguish people you've chatted with on a forum, chatroom etc and share actual interests and history with, as opposed to people you have just connected to with social media or are random game contacts. This is actually one respect where blogs and twitter who speak of "followers" as opposed to friends are probably using a more accurate term.


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