Re: latin

the messianic jews services is the following: you go to the messianic congregation, wait for a time and the pastor will begin the service.
then, starting to sing songs (in the congregation where my grandma is going singing in hebrew and russian) and they having musical instruments like piano, drumms, a standart guitar, an electronic guitar, guitar base and windchimes. the service itself is in in fridays or sabbaths.
after the singing, the kids going also to sondayschool. they are in groups: the first group is for teenagers from 12-18, the lower group is for 6-12 years old, and the lowest group is for babys.
but on the service first collecting money (diesiatina) from russian i don't know how this word in english, then the pastor speaking a sermon.
on fridays there is also "parashat ha shavua" like in the sinagog, and after the service they lighting the candles for sabbath and doing kabalat shabat.
once a month they doing insted of k abalat shabat the thing where eating jesus's body and drinking his bludd.
i mean the wine and the bread. they using the pesah matsa for this and if i'm remember correctly drinking jeuce of grapes.
and i frogot theat they praying for each pray requiers before the kabalat shabat or the mass if i know correctly.
dark, you told something that we diferent from the orthodox jews.
so what doing in the orthodox services? i mean jewish orthodox and not christian orthodox.
i've hared i think the raby singing in the sinagog, and my comment: not beutiful music.
but i want to know what doing in the jewish orthodox services in the sinagog.


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