Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

So as a longtime player of this fabulous game I'd like to lodge a complaint. Actually, I don't really like to call it a complaint because I am a huge fan and I know Aprone that you put many many hours of hard work into the game so perhaps observation would be a fairer adjective to apply to what this is.

So here is the thing, it seems as though, and yes, I'm sure this is an unintentional consequence, but all the changes that get made, which I think for the most part are either supposed to make things tougher for higher level players, or at the very least introduce different elements to the game in order to keep it interesting, always seem only to serve to either make things tougher for lower level players, or at least serve to accentuate how tough things are for those players in the game.

When you think about the advantages that higher level players actually have now, putting it altogether it is really quite something.

For starters they can get 95% protection from 6 pieces of low armor. That kind of protection can only be dreamed of for players of a lower level. The best I can manage right now, at level 46 is around 65% protection. I can't do this with lower level armor though because I don't have even close to enough points to make that work for me and without the points it is close to useless. So what I have to do is wear 4 bits of high armor, the most you can have, and then medium for the rest if I can even get balls of steel, which at my level is just about impossible anyway unless I have some kind soul who will run a high level mission for me and pretty much allow me to truck sit.

But of course the inevitable consequence of that is that compared to a high level player decked out in all his very strong low armor, I also can't move nearly as quickly because of all the extra weight. In fact in missions I'm already finding that I almost can't outrun tyrants and matriarchs, never mind canines and dires.

So already a level 200 player for sake of argument, can run faster than me, has access to more powerful weapons than me and is afforded a much higher protection yield than me and here's the thing, if that player should happen to die, instead of being forced to go out and refind everything, the trading system now means that he can just sit in a safe zone and be given everything again without needing to encurr any risk what so ever.

I'm not entirely sure what the solution to all this is, but at the moment the scales are rather heavily tipped in favour of players that are at a higher level and while I of course see the need to keep an insentive base in place, I'd just like to find a way of doing it so that it doesn't always seem to impact so badly on players trying to play the game at a lower level.

One thought I did have, and yes, I know this isn't going to be popular with many, but I actually think you should eliminate buying in the game totally but extend trading to everyone. That way it would at least be possible for higher level players to help out lower level players. That would bring a missing cooperative element to the main version of Swamp. At the moment trading only serves to make life nice and easy for higher level players who're too lazy to actually go out and search for their lost items.

This could also possibly make balancing the difficulty levels of missions a little easier if people had to survive on only what they could either find, or trade. At the moment being able to buy 100000 rounds of 7.62 ammo and 500 medkits doesn't perhaps guarantee survival in any mission, but it sure as hell makes things easier.

They're just some thoughts anyway.

Thanks for the great game anyway and please forgive me if this comes across as a winge. I am trying to be constructive.


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