Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi aprone!

I 100 percent agree with harp. I have been playing swamp for 2 years now. I have seen many changes from then til now. The one thing that stands out since I have had many characters that it is way harder for new players then it is for high players.
I don't have much to add, since harp said it so well.
Maybe make trading an option that if you turn it on, it cant be turned off. So if you decide that your player is going to trade they cant buy things from the safe zone. Or instead of not having the option to buy! make it so you can have the option every 10th level to trade or not trade, trading or buying, but not both!
I hope that makes sense

I have no idea how to fix the armor situation, but as a low level who is just getting use to maps and different zombies everytime you level, is hard enough! So hopefully something can be thought of for that.



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