Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hi, aprone. the main issue that i am seing here is that, u are between a rock and a fluffy place, if u make things to easy for lower levels, higher level players say its to easy. then, as a result u make it harder, thus, causing lower levels to say its to hard, wich it is, but, then, when you change it in there faver, higher levels clames its to easy, 
with this update. i admit it is so easy for higher level players especially those of use whose in the 1 k levels. or close to it, and there is a few of this. but aprone, what u must now  step back and do is look at it from a broader perspectave,
you have finally done something wich actually gives every one super nice insentive to level.
the ausem skills you intruduced is not forced upon players, they can choose if that is the root they want to
take. so with that in mind, i agree that leave things as they are now. let it sit for a munth or 3 till every one can see what ausem changes really does for p eople. and how it works. the xp skill called lurner is fantastic, and the legendary skill is super ausem. once they realize its potensial things should look up for them. however, i do agree with some ideas, Quasar, had mensioned.

personally. i do feel that the speed should be at least between 10 and fifteen points raised, by default when u begin. as level one. or? again maybe that the speed skill should be reworked. and basically dubbeled when u begin out. and reduced to 20 points as a skill. this meens for every point u put in it. 2 points gets aded to your speed thus people wil begin to walk faster more quicker. this also meens no more 40 points in to speed is required. i suggest the same for sneek and elusive, so this wil help the lower levels as well. yes, yes i no higher levels will have a tuff time with that as they say it wil be to easy. but for now i am sorry we have to face facts. and that is, is that its lower level players whose not bennifiting.further more. the re covery skill should have its points razed so that it becomes affective quicker. the main problem with the armor skill, is that it takes to many points to begin to be affective. and this is perhaps why lower levels are not having such a good time, how ever, the feadback,  harp  gave us, seems to suggest that, yes, what he is saying is 100% correct yet maybe he was not playing long enough with the new version to actually see the new changes that is there to help lower levels such as himself. and also that, lower missions has now indeed been reworked because they offer way less zombies. and zombie hits is drastically reduced.

i can mension, that as a level 3 char, i enjoyed almost 40 percent protection with only the minimum armor on and it did offer me very good protection. about 39 percent. so perhaps again the fact that putting points in to armor is what, is making them feel that it takes to long. thus they begin to take more damage quicker.

as for trading, ha rp has some valid points here, perhaps the level requirements should be remooved and then observed as to  what the changes wil affect.
Let us see what transpires as the munths goes by.  but harp i no what you meen with your examples and i do see the things you are struggling with. it makes sence to me.
once again aprone, ausem update!


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