Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

To be honest, thats one of my main fears to.
I just hope this is actually worth it.
I will for now accept the current situation, but I know a few things or facts.
Firstly, yeah, no one is saying that it won't come back.
While I think most of this country will accept a lockdown now, I doubt we will accept another if we power back up, and have to shut down again.
I certainly will not.
We get it right now as they are saying or we die.
Fine, but we do all that and either more die than expected or they suddenly say we screwed up and have to lock down again, then well I have a life.
If the government are being hard on us then I will be hard back.
Next, even with all those so called echonomic packages, there are several scenarios that seems not to have been conciddered.
Everyone hopes things will tail off and then we will have a new normal.
No one actually realises that the new normal will probably be a perminant lockdown of sorts.
Without tourism and travel, everyone will be stuck in their own country of origin.
With all the public transport stopped and lets face it who knows if that ever will start everyone will be stuck at home.
With the banning of all plastic bags and now guns due to the terror attacks in christchurch, defence for ourselves is surely down a lot.
Having listened and watched many apocolipse movies and played the games, this is what ahppens in all of them.
While the zombies may not be coming, and maybe not the bombs, in everything there is a limit.
I know that the world can't stay frozen for to long.
Europe and the us are big places so its going to take a long time for them to die back to a managable space due to land mass as is australia.
Borders will continue to remain closed for ages which as I said before means no holidays at all.
I do see an aunt I have so I can walk in an isolated bit of bush I know of and maybe I can go to the shops with my mum and walk with my parents.
I have a home gym and enough stuff to do.
I just hope everyone gets it right.
Also as I said before there is an limit about how the world can stay frozen like this.
No one has really mentioned this on radio till basically a day before shutdown.
It also seems that searching for a vaxine seems to be on hold till lockdown exit.
So that potentially means that we could just stay in lockdown.
One assumes the government aint sitting on its ass and smoking weed but we have no idea of knowing.
The official line is that we will survive lockdown and get through this then we will recover and things will be at a new normal.
Not many appreciate this but a new normal will involve, less businesses, low or no echonomy, low to none education, no jobs, a shut down government probably, in some places no rights.
Our world is quite fragile as it is.
And someone will be nuking someone else.
We havn't had a year yet and allready we are at the apocoliptic levels that are a backdrop to most apocolipse movies, dramas and games.
We probably won't see the bombs and zombies for another 2 months or so.
These movies and such have been in the back of my mind and I've always wandered what it would be like to go to the next world, or to survive.
But there is no glory in any of this.
This may be a war of sorts but in this case it is doubtfull that many of us will see some action unless we are hit by a stray shell that is.
Like most I'd like to help in this war, but all I can do is subscribe to the update broadcasts like many civilians did during the last war and hope essentials like food, power, etc don't shut down.
We will aparently have enough to live on though my old man has stocked several stews and tinned things for when it gets really bad.
I guess a difference to this war to the others is that we will have supplies and food at all times that we can buy, the echonomy is being supported as much as  humanly possible at least in new zealand and we do have our cars,  our communications and water and power.
Oh and we don't have air raids, yet.
I just hope it works.
This is after all an election year,  as it is in the us.

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