Re: Looking for a new mud to play

Okay so, a few things.

1. Quests are still around, but they're being converted to missions when referring to jobs. Swordsman, dk/hk, cleric/sorcerer and magitek are all mission-based now. Soldier and dragoon quests are still in place. Here's a tip though. Use google. Seriously. All I'm going to say, but if the game doesn't want you to talk about qinfo, then that's fine, but the info is out there.
2. Don't raise str and wis just so that magitek/geomancer are better. Because here's the thing. The game will add your attack and magic attack to get a number to use for damage. So let's just use raw easy numbers here. If you had 200 attack and 200 magic attack, it will add the two together, get 400, divide by 2 and yield 200 attack on magitek/geomancer skills. Now, if you had 350 attack and only 50 magic attack, same deal. You won't be penalized if one of those stats is low while the other is high; trying to raise both is generally going to mean that your vit or will suffers, and you'll end up being a char that's decent at melee, decent at spells, and generally just doesn't cut it.
3. Spawn rates. Some areas are smaller than others. Zozo, for instance, has well over 200 mobs in it; when you're doing the mission there, you will not be able to kill those mobs fast enough to clean the area completely before it repops, unless you're ridiculously overpowered (mission is level 40-ish, if you're level 55+ maybe you can do it, if you can play on vulns). There are two types of maps. Most areas are static, which is to say that room 1 always loads the same mobs. Another is called a generator, which means that every time a mob is killed, another mob is generated somewhere else. I believe that's how this works. Most areas are non-generators because the administration doesn't want someone just camping in an area for ever and ever and ever, and because some monsters need to be limited. Most missions don't make you do multiple repops of an area at lower levels; it only starts becoming an issue at higher levels, and again, there are tons of other places to go. You will nearly always have more than two missions open at once; if one area is empty, go find another. It's not hard.

If you see Atropos or Nyrrhl around, BTW, that's me.

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